Prison or Bondage - Lesbian BDSM Erotica

Free Prison or Bondage - Lesbian BDSM Erotica by Jenika Lovey

Book: Prison or Bondage - Lesbian BDSM Erotica by Jenika Lovey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenika Lovey
Prison Or Bondage
    Lesbian BDSM Erotica
    Jenika Lovey
    Copyright 2013 by Jenika Lovey
      All rights reserved.
    No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced in any format, by any means, electronic or otherwise, without prior consent from the copyright owner and publisher of this book.
    This is a work of fiction. All characters, names, places and events are the product of the author's imagination or used fictitiously.
Prison Or Bondage
    “Shit…” The loud curse was out of Morgan’s mouth as soon as the flashing lights caught her attention in the rear view mirror. The nineteen year old girl was already pulling to a stop before the blare of the siren confirmed that the vehicle behind really was the police.
    When she brought the car she was driving to a smooth stop by the curb she leaned forward to put her head on the steering wheel. She knew she was in trouble and the thought of making a break for it suddenly flashed in her mind. There was no way she could outrun the far more powerful police car though and she dismissed the idea as stupid straight away.
    Even though she knew it would come, the knock on the window still gave her a start and she raised her head. The gesture of the policewoman made it all too clear that she was requesting the window be wound down. Morgan sighed as she did this and shivered as the cool of the night air hit her.
    “Good evening offic…” she started in a polite voice, but she was cut off by the almost barked command.
    “License and insurance please,” the officer ordered as she stood at the side of the vehicle.
    Morgan looked up and sighed again at the thin lipped smile that was aimed in her direction. The policewoman’s hair was pulled back to a severe ponytail and the smile did her little favors, but there was no doubt that her face was attractive. Considering the trouble she knew she was in, Morgan found it strange that she was thinking that with some make up, her hair hanging loose and a pretty outfit the cop would be gorgeous. The thoughts melted away as the order for license and insurance came again.
    “Umm…,” she said and then went silent.
    A knowing expression crossed the officer’s face. “OK, get out of the vehicle,” she went on.
    Morgan shook her head ruefully as she opened the door to step out of the car. She stumbled as she did and almost fell over, but just managed to keep her balance.
    “Have you been drinking?” the policewoman asked.
    “No…” protested Morgan. “I just tripped.” She could see the doubtful look that was cast in her direction. “I’m telling the truth,” she exclaimed.
    “Have you taken any drugs?” the cop queried.
    “No…,” the college girl complained in a louder voice. “I’m as clean as a whistle.”
    “Driving without a license and insurance isn’t clean in my book,” the cop commented. “If you can’t provide them I’ll need to take you in.”
    “Shit…,” Morgan cursed under her breath then raised her voice. “What about my car?”
    “Lock it up,” the cop ordered. “You can phone someone at the station or pick it up after you are released.”
    “Great,” she replied, but complied with the order and locked the car.
    A grip on her arm led her across to the police vehicle and a hand on her head ducked her down to push her in the back seat. The short skirt she was wearing rode up her thighs and she looked to see the policewoman staring.
    “Enjoying the view?” she couldn’t help complaining as she wriggled around to pull the hem lower.
    “Don’t flatter yourself,” the cop replied and slammed the door shut.
    Morgan could do little but look out the window at the passing scene as the journey back to the station started. It wasn’t her first trip in the back of a police car and she knew she was taking a risk when she went out that evening, but couldn’t resist the chance to go and see friends. She found

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