
Free Linc by Aliyah Burke

Book: Linc by Aliyah Burke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aliyah Burke
he groaned against her skin. Her release slammed into her as his cock pulsed.
    I want his child.
    She pushed the thought away even as it formed. Linc pumped inside her as he continued to come. Aftershocks filled her as she came again and again.
    Linc slumped against her and Chaya held him tightly until he shifted, kissing her. Chaya moaned as he moved inside her and his cock went hard again.
    Chaya hugged him, closing their lips together. She licked inside his mouth and undulated her hips.
    Linc withdrew and whispered against her lips, “I’m going to take you all night.”
    * * * *
    Grumbling to herself, Chaya walked beside Danny. After last night, all she’d wanted to do was stay at home and rest. But she’d promised him this trip to the skating rink weeks ago. Absently, she listened to Danny talk. She was bummed that Linc hadn’t been able to come with them.
    When they reached the rink, Danny quickly put on his skates and stood shifting from leg to leg.
    “Go on without me, Danny. I’ll just sit here and wait,” Chaya said.
    “Aw, Mom.” Danny pouted.
    “Danny,” a voice called.
    Danny glanced around. He waved, then turned back to her.
    “Bye, Mom.”
    “Be back in an hour,” Chaya said.
    He nodded and took off. Chaya watched gratefully as he joined some of his friends from his school. Gingerly, she took a seat. She moaned as the hard bench made the soreness of her pussy throb. Standing as quickly as she could, she walked over and leaned on a pillar. She waved as Danny passed by with his friends. Crossing her arms over her chest, Chaya watched him fondly.
    Pulling out her pendant, she rubbed it with her thumb as her thoughts drifted to Linc and the night before. The man was insatiable and imaginative. He’d had her in positions she hadn’t ever thought her body would be able to go into. Chaya shivered, remembering his touch on her skin. Shifting she pushed the image away. She’d see him later for dinner. They were going to Danny’s favourite pizza place.
    Chaya kept an eye on Danny as he skated. At the time she’d set, he returned and took off his skates and they headed out. They walked out of the rink and down the sidewalk, then Danny ran ahead. He paused at the kerb, turning to see where she was.
    Horrified, Chaya watched as a car swerved, heading straight for Danny.
    “Danny!” she screamed, and ran.
    Danny looked confused. He took step towards her. The car bore down on him.
    In a blink, Linc appeared between Danny and the car and picked him up. In another millisecond Linc, holding Danny, was in front of her. Chaya stumbled to a stop, gaping at Linc.
    “Isn’t it cool Linc came with us? We had such fun.” Danny’s voice drew her attention.
    Chaya glanced at him, confused. Linc put him down and Chaya hugged Danny fiercely.
    ‘I took the memory, so he doesn’t know.’ Linc spoke in her mind.
    Now is not the time, Linc Voice.
    ‘It’s me. Not a voice. I’m really talking to you in your thoughts. Let’s go home and I’ll explain.’
    Chaya glanced up sharply. Linc nodded, looking arrogant and unruffled as usual. Danny squirmed, then pushed out of her arms.
    “Come on, Mom. None of that mushy stuff.” Danny crossed over to Linc and took his hand. He tugged at him and they started walking towards the car.
    Numbly, Chaya followed them. She stared at Linc as he walked with her son, talking to him as if everything was normal.
    Linc put Danny in the car, then held the passenger door open for her. Ignoring his offer, she opened the back door and got in beside Danny. Danny looked confused. Chaya wrapped her arms around herself so she wouldn’t grab him. Linc got in and she reached for her keys.
    “I’ve got them.” Linc said, holding them up.
    But Chaya remembered putting them in her pocket. He hadn’t got close enough to get them. Linc chatted to Danny as he drove, but she turned and looked out of the window. When they arrived, she got out the car and guided Danny into the house.

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