The Beckoning of Beautiful Things (The Beckoning Series)

Free The Beckoning of Beautiful Things (The Beckoning Series) by Calinda B

Book: The Beckoning of Beautiful Things (The Beckoning Series) by Calinda B Read Free Book Online
Authors: Calinda B
between hacks.
    When Marissa had returned with the water, Betty continued. “I think that was the obstruction to Buddy’s death that just passed through.”
    “What was? Your cough?” Marissa’s forehead furrowed.
    “Yes, I think we’ve freed him to cross over. I hope he waits until I get home. But he’s such a brave little warrior he’ll probably want to go it alone.”
    Marissa glanced at the clock on the wall. “The reading?”
    “Your two boyfriends,” Betty continued. “You’ve got to watch out for one of them.”
    A dust devil of a shudder whirled up her spine. “I don’t have two boyfriends. I broke up with one and the other guy…well, we just met.”
    “ The one you broke up with - he’s the one in the way.”
    Marissa’s frown deepened. “What about the other? I haven’t agreed to be his girlfriend. I’m not sure if we understand one another.”
    “That’s because of …” She tapped her fingernail against the desk.
    Marissa rolled her eyes and looked up at the clock. “We need to finish up here, Betty. I’ve got to get to work.” She could feel her boss tapping her pen on the desk, looking for her.
    “The Fool card is about new beginnings. It’s about important decisions – life-changing decisions that need to be made. I always feel hopeful when the Fool dances into my life.”
    “Okay, that’s good.” Marissa’s eyes darted up to the clock. “Finish up, Betty.”
    “You can’t rush the spirits, child. They speak in their own time.”
    “Can’t you hurry them up?” She wrapped her arms around her abdomen.
    Betty’s sharp nail jackhammered against the next card. “This card is important. It’s the Tower.” She said the name of the card in a low, ominous voice. “Major changes are coming, dearie. Big ones. You can’t hold them back.”
    The dust devil reappeared, clearing a pathway up her vertebrae. Marissa clutched her stomach even tighter.
    “The changes will have far-reaching repercussions. You won’t recognize your life when the Tower is through with you.”
    “Should I be scared?”
    “Not if you get the obstruction out of the way. Not if you embrace change.” The coughing spasms seized her again, and she reached for the water. “Don’t worry, Buddy, we’ll make it smooth sailing for your departure.”
    Marissa’s eyes flicked to the clock. Come on, come on, come on, old woman. “Betty, I really have to go. Really, really, really.”
    “Not yet, we have to finish up.”
    “I’m listening. Go.”
    “So you have the Tower…and then you have Le Diable.” She brought a bony hand up to her chin and rubbed it, causing her turkey waddle neck to wiggle back and forth. “This is going to be an intense year for you, dearie. You can always count on old Betty for guidance.”
    Marissa released her arms from her stomach. She’d been holding her tummy so tight her arms were starting to ache. “Okay, Betty, that’s good to know. What doe Le Diable indicate?” Her eyes darted up and back, up and back to the clock.
    “The Devil card is all about lust and obsession.”
    Marissa’s jaw dropped open. Want. The word shot from her brain like an arrow. The little birds beat frantically inside of her core, and she pictured Daniel’s mouth pressed against hers. She clapped her jaw shut and swallowed.
    “It’s also about oppression, hoarding , and greed. It’s not clear to me, though, whether this is yours or another’s. It could be your obstruction.”
    “Jason ? He’s not greedy in the least. He’s more like…like he can’t hold onto anything.”
    “Greed isn’t just about things, dearie.” Betty gave her a pointed look.
    Ignoring the ill-omened words, Marissa stood up, her purse brushing the cards. Another card flew off the countertop and landed face down. Marissa stooped to pick it up and handed it back to Betty. “Thanks for the reading, Betty. It sounds like it’s going to be a hell of a year.”
    Betty glanced at the card and held it out

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