KYLE: A Mafia Romance (The Callahans Book 4)

Free KYLE: A Mafia Romance (The Callahans Book 4) by Glenna Sinclair

Book: KYLE: A Mafia Romance (The Callahans Book 4) by Glenna Sinclair Read Free Book Online
Authors: Glenna Sinclair
given me back at the hotel. After a few minutes, he relaxed his grip on me, relaxing back against the couch, the greatest sounds coming from between his lips. He didn’t touch me again until he swelled a little more, until he cried out.
    When it was over, he pulled me back up onto the couch with him and pulled me back against his chest. That’s when the good Catholic girl shame began to settle over me. But it wasn’t nearly as bad as I’d thought it would be. He kissed my neck a few times, then he lay me carefully down on the couch, pulling a blanket over my shoulders. I felt him get up a moment later and move toward the back of the plane. His voice traveled back to me, low and deep, steady. I worried for a minute that he was talking to that pretty flight attendant, but then I realized he was talking to his brother on the phone.
    I closed my eyes and let the sound of his voice flow over me. He had a nice voice. There was a lot about him that was nice. His kiss. His touch. He was so hot! And he was a gentleman when he wasn’t being aggressive, when he wasn’t sleeping with any girl that looked his way, when he wasn’t gambling away his incredible trust fund.
    I fell asleep, the taste of him on my lips, my dreams less filled with darkness than they had been in a long time.

Chapter 6
    “The Italians have taken out three of our warehouses. Someone’s been slipping them information and they’re using it to creep into our territories.”
    I listened to Ian, trying to imagine what a mess I was walking into as I headed back to Boston. And then I turned and caught sight of Amelia, realizing I was dragging her into something she’d probably never imagined, let alone would understand. It wasn’t fair, but I couldn’t leave her back in Vegas and ever hope to find out what really happened the night we got married. Not to mention the hit to Pops’ reputation, especially if she used our marriage to try to leverage the family for money. I wouldn’t put it past any woman, especially if she knew who I was when we walked down that aisle. There were so many reasons why she had to be on this plane with me, but there was still a little twinge of guilt in my gut whenever I looked at her.
    “What does Jack have to say about all this?”
    “He’s trying to get a meeting with the leader of the Italians, but there hasn’t been much success in that area so far.”
    Not going to happen.
    We’d tried to meet with the Italians before, but they didn’t want to have anything to do with us when they thought they could take over our territories. It would probably be the same now.
    “I should call Jack.”
    “Probably,” Ian said. And then he made this little sound in the back of his throat. “So, we’ve heard a few rumors about you.”
    “Rumors? What kind of rumors?”
    “That you got married while you were in Vegas.”
    “Where did you hear that?”
    “Vegas is a very small town, brother. It’s in the papers…and so it’s on the internet. Callahan is a big name these days, especially after Pops’ arrest last month.”
    There was amusement in his voice at first, but as he mentioned the family name, and Pops specifically, the amusement was replaced by a touch of steel.
    “It’s complicated.”
    “It’s always complicated with you, Kyle.”
    “I know that, but this time it really is.”
    “Who is she? Some showgirl?”
    “A cocktail waitress.”
    Ian groaned. “That isn’t much better. You realize that, right?”
    “She’s not what you think she is.”
    “How long will the divorce take?”
    “We’re not getting divorced.”
    “Annulment, then.”
    “Not happening.”
    There was a long silence on the other end of the line.
    “I hope you know what you’re doing, Kyle,” Ian said. “If you cause any trouble for Pops, you’re going to have me and Killian to deal with.”
    “I know.”
    “The family can’t take any more hits right now. We’ve been through enough, and we still don’t know who

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