Unleashed: The Deepest Fears Lie Within (Secrets of the Makai)

Free Unleashed: The Deepest Fears Lie Within (Secrets of the Makai) by Toni Kerr Page A

Book: Unleashed: The Deepest Fears Lie Within (Secrets of the Makai) by Toni Kerr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Toni Kerr
Tags: Young Adult Urban Fantasy
open as the man in the wetsuit continued around the tank, calming the crowd with promises to start the show in a few minutes.
    “Come on, let’s go.”
    “But, Landon, you don’t seriously think I’d break the tank like that, do you?”
    “Is that what happened?”
    “You didn’t see it?”
    “He fixed it before I got here,” Landon said, slowing down to hand Tristan a paper cup with a lid. “This is for you.”
    “What is it?” Tristan asked, peeling back the lid.
    “Don’t look. It’s a hangover concoction to help you feel better. Are you having fun?”
    “I was.”
    Victor appeared in front of Landon. “I’m still looking for Alvi, have you seen her?”
    Landon shook his head. There was a security breach, you might check with Donovan.
    Tristan froze. Landon rolled his eyes. “It was probably just a glitch.”
    “Thanks,” Victor said, slapping Landon’s upper arm before disappearing.
    “Okay,” Landon said, leading Tristan away from the main path. “Right now, everything is completely normal and there’s no cause for alarm. Stop trying to analyze everything you see and have a little fun. Meet some people, go on some rides, go play in the motor skills area. You’ll find it over there somewhere.” Landon pointed across the crowd toward a makeshift racetrack. “I hate to leave you again, but give me ten minutes and I’ll be free for the rest of the day.”
    “Assuming there’s nothing major going on?”
    “Go ahead,” Tristan said. “I’ll stay out of trouble.”
    “Thanks. I’ll be as quick as I can.”
    Eleonora’s tent was the closest attraction. Tristan waited in line, then entered cautiously, letting his eyes adjust to the darkness.
    Gold and silver metallic stars reflected light from a small stained glass lamp in the corner. Eleonora sat at a table for two in an armchair with an unreadable expression.
    “You want me to tell you the future?” She stood and walked away from the table, removing a velvet headdress laced with crystal netting, and tossed it into a wooden chest.
    “No.” Tristan stayed just inside the flap of a door, unsure of what he wanted from her.
    “I wouldn’t tell you either way.” She draped a cloth over the ball of swirling liquid. “You’re hungover.”
    “Is it that obvious?”
    “It’s the remedy,” she said, eyeing the cup. “Landon was right, you know. Fortunes aren’t worth diddily-squat.”
    “That doesn’t exactly sound like Landon.”
    “The future is inevitable no matter how you try avoiding it. Knowing in advance only causes grief.” She packed the glass ball and locked the trunk. “Jacques isn’t with you anymore, that much is clear, and if anyone is listening, I don’t agree with this change of events.” She eyed Tristan from head to toe and headed for the exit before he could think about who she’d be talking to.
    “What do you mean? Where are you going?”
    “If there are problems with your cabin while I’m gone, I’m sure Victor and Landon are more than capable. They’ll look after you.”
    Tristan followed her out of the tent, wondering if he should apologize for something he couldn’t remember. But she was gone. Her wooden sign vanished and the line of people scowled at him. When he turned back to look inside, there was nothing but an empty space of crushed grass, dimly lit through white canvas walls.

    THE CROWD AT THE CARNIVAL tripled over the next hour. Tristan wandered with the general flow of traffic, hoping to find a familiar face.
    “This is the spot, I know it!”
    Tristan glanced at the girl, caught by curiosity. She had bright blue eyes and glossy bubblegum-pink lips. Her blonde hair hung in long braids.
    “I’ll bet it’s hunting,” said one of the men standing next to her. “We’ll need to be careful.”
    Tristan counted six in the group, all men except for her.
    “Should we warn them?” asked the girl.
    “Not without proof.”
    Tristan’s pulse

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