Hot Nights with the Fireman

Free Hot Nights with the Fireman by Lynne Silver

Book: Hot Nights with the Fireman by Lynne Silver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynne Silver
have a learning disability—dys…” He frowned as if trying to decide to tell her or not.
    “Yes, and dysgraphia.” He paused as the whole dirty truth spilled out. “And that’s why I’ve never tried out for the USAR Team 1. I’d have to write a few essays, which is nearly impossible with what I’ve got.”
    “Difference,” she said.
    “You have a learning difference. It’s not a disability. It simply means your brain learns differently than the mainstream student.”
    “How the hell do you know that?” He chanced a quick glance at her face, and she didn’t look upset or disgusted. She looked as sexy as ever.
    “Remember, I’ve been doing volunteer work with the after-school reading program. One of the kids I worked with last year has dyslexia. I wanted to help her, so I did a little reading up.”
    He blinked at her. “She was lucky.”
    “Who was lucky? Sharylle? Oh, I guess. It was a minor difference, and she was able to keep up with her class.”
    “No, I meant she was lucky to have you tutor her. I didn’t get diagnosed until middle school, and by then I’d already decided I sucked as a student and it wasn’t like my parents could afford private tutoring.” For reasons he did not understand, his throat tightened up as did his chest, and all he could do was smile down at her as she started talking.
    But then his ears started tuning into her actual words, and his stomach started churning.
    “There are a variety of literacy agencies that offer assistance to adults. Or maybe you could call a local elementary school and get the name of a teacher who could tutor you.” She brightened and gestured behind her with her hand. “Hey, maybe you could even ask here.”
    “Yeah, that’s an idea, but I’d feel like an idiot.” He took a slight step back.
    She lost the smile and her happy demeanor. “I’m sorry, I just thought…” she said.
    “I’m fine,” he said. He turned away to assist with packing up the truck and getting back to the station. He didn’t turn around to see Valerie stalk off to her car without saying good-bye. No kisses today. “Damn it.” He punched a panel of the truck.
    He could feel the scowl on his face as he circled the truck, slamming down the metal compartment doors with unnecessary force. “Let’s move out,” he barked and jumped in the rear cabin with his back to the driver. Banter and chatter flowed freely from the other passengers, but he didn’t join in. They all liked doing these easy events, and the looks on the kids’ faces made it worthwhile. He’d heard these sessions called early recruiting, and it was true. You could count on at least one kindergartener from today becoming a firefighter or a police officer.
    “How come you got the special treatment from Ms. Wainwright?” Dan called from the opposite bench. “Getting to be a teacher’s pet?” It was a typical harmless Dan comment, but he wasn’t in the mood to hear it.
    He sank lower in his seat and gave Dan the finger without speaking.
    “Touchy,” Dan said. “What’s eating you?”
    Everyone glanced at the others in the truck and chose to ignore his rude behavior. They continued chatting and ignoring him the entire ride back to the station while he stared out the window and regretted his curtness with Valerie. She’d only been trying to help. She hadn’t deserved his ire.
    There was nothing he could do about it now. She’d driven off and he was in the truck with several more hours on his shift until six tonight when he was heading to the information session on applying for the International Search and Rescue Team.
    At five thirty, Jason stepped out of the shower, toweled off, and pulled on his navy pants and collared shirt.
    “No civilian clothes?” Dan asked. “Where are you headed?”
    Jason noticed Dan was wearing an identical outfit. A sinking feeling entered his body.
    “A meeting,” he said shortly.
    “Hey, are you going to

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