Possession of the Soul

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Book: Possession of the Soul by Trinity Blacio Read Free Book Online
Authors: Trinity Blacio
pleasant that whole year, let me tell you! Did you even think of all the nightmares she had or how many nights she cried herself to sleep? No! You just come waltzing in here and expect her to forgive you! Well I, for one, will not. Let’s go, Tab! I know the perfect place we can hide for a while.”
    Tabatha glanced behind her. All four men looked on as Melody dragged her into the living room, heading for the door.
    “Mel,” she said, “You know it’s not safe. Why don’t you stay here? I can just take off and disappear.”
    “Neither of you are going anywhere.” Hoyt appeared behind them, his arms crossed over his chest. “We made a mistake, but it’s not safe out there.”
    Tabatha fought to control her temper. “You’re not my mate yet! So I suggest you keep quiet. I agree we can’t leave, but that doesn’t give you the right to tell me or Melody what to do.” She turned and walked down the stairs to the pier.
    Melody followed her.
    The wind blew across her face as she stared out at the lake. Hurt and anger swirled in her head.
    Melody kept her company. “I’m so furious I can’t stand to look at any of them right now,” her friend finally spoke, sitting down on the pier. “What are we going to do?”
    “I have no idea. I’m thrilled Ben’s alive, but what they did… I just don’t know.” Tabatha sat down next to her. “Hoyt says he’s my mate, but how can I believe him now? And what about Chax? I mean, come on. I’m a human. How can I be mated to a werewolf and a demon?” Let alone a god of some kind. Tabatha heard the men walking down to the pier towards them, but chose to ignore their approach.
    “Tabby, what’s that?” Melody pointed at a rubber raft floating in the water. Something furry lay on top of it.
    “I don’t know. It looks like—Oh my God! It’s Boots!” She screamed and jumped up. “They killed Boots! How did they get into our apartment?” Tabatha gaped at their pet’s body. She shook, and her heart beat faster. Tabatha rubbed her temples as a dull twinge moved in her head. But on further examination, she realized Wol-itelm lurked inside of her.
      “Yes, I’m here, baby, and I’ll always be there when you need me.” A soft breeze blew around Tabatha, surrounding her as if protecting her.
    “Shit! They’ve found us,” Shane yelled, pushing Tabatha and Melody back as he kneeled on the decking. He grabbed the cat from the float as it came close to the pier. “Its neck is broken.”
    “Let’s go, Tabby.” Hoyt wrapped his arm around her. “I want both of you in the house now. That animal was still warm.”
    Fear ran through her. “I don’t want to leave her. This is my parent’s home.” All that had happened to her in the last day came crashing in around her, zapping her energy.
    Chax looked out over the lake, reaching out with his senses. “No. They are not near. I do not sense anyone holding any intent to harm. This was a message meant to scare and upset you, drive you away from this place and back down to the city. We can protect you here, and send for more of Hoyt’s pack.”
    She let Hoyt and Chax escort her inside.
    “I think I’m going to go lie down. I haven’t slept in 30 hours except for the two hours I was passed out,” she muttered and stumbled toward her bedroom.

Chapter Eight
    The clock ticked loudly as Tabatha turned over the events of the past day in her mind. Her dreams had roused her throughout the night. Of course the dreams had been erotic in nature, because wetness seeped through her panties. Her skin was clammy, and her body burned with lust. In her dreams, Wol-itelm, had held and comforted her while she cried. Later, the dream changed, his hands stripping her clothes away. Removing each piece of clothing separately, Wol-itelm kissed and sucked every inch of her exposed skin. Now wide-awake and full of desire, she needed the new dildo she’d just bought.
    Where did I put it? Ugh. I need some kind of

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