Possession of the Soul

Free Possession of the Soul by Trinity Blacio

Book: Possession of the Soul by Trinity Blacio Read Free Book Online
Authors: Trinity Blacio
stormed into the house.
    Tabatha laughed as she stared at Melody’s retreating ass. “Give him hell, Melody.”
    But her laughter died. Hoyt and Chax moved in, their bodies tense.
    “Do you know how stupid it was to come here without guards?” Hoyt questioned.
    She shrugged. “I belong to no one, so I can and will do whatever I want to. I needed to come here, to sort some things out.” She held her hands out in front of her in an attempt to keep them at bay. “You’re not my mates yet, and I’m not convinced you are. This is my home, and I won’t be taken away from it.”
    A deep baritone laugh broke the tension in the air. Tabatha knew that laugh, and the owner of it should be dead. It couldn’t be.
    “Hoyt, you and that thing better step away from my baby sister. Friend or not, I’ll kick your worthless ass.”
    That voice! Tabatha would’ve recognized it anywhere. A voice she had longed to hear again, but never thought possible. She whipped around and stared at the corporeal ghost of her dead brother. Ben stood in the backyard very much alive—or was he?—And he looked furious. Shock didn’t cover the range of emotions clouding Tabatha’s mind. The world began to fade into darkness, and then all turned black.
    Hoyt reached for Tabatha before she hit the ground. “You could have warned us, Ben! Why the hell haven’t you contacted me? I was planning on preparing her for your return.” He glared at Ben as they walked into the living room with Tabatha in his arms.
    Melody gasped. Her eyes glazed over and started to roll back in her head.
    “Grab her!” Hoyt yelled to Shane, who caught her and cradled her body.
    “Damn it, Hoyt,” Shane snapped. “You should’ve told me he was coming in! They’re going to be so pissed when they wake up, and I don’t blame them!” He placed Melody on the couch.
    “I had no idea Ben would be here. Do you think I would put Tabatha through this shit?” He snapped back as he noticed Chax about to attack Ben. “Cool it, Chax. Ben is her brother. Ben, this is Chax. Your little sister’s other mate.” He nodded toward the demon and turned to walk to her bedroom.
    He stared down at her small body as he laid her on the bed and traced his fingers down her cheek.
      Damn, is she going to be furious!
    “I couldn’t stay in hiding, knowing she’s in danger,” said Ben. “Plus when you called and told me she was your mate, I knew she would have a fit. You need my help with her, and well, I’ve missed Melody.” He ran his hand through his hair. “I have a feeling Tabby isn’t the only one to have two mates. When I saw Melody at the club last night, my wolf half wanted to claim her. It took every ounce of control to stay hidden from everyone.”
    “Then I suggest you go talk to Shane before they wake up, because you’re going to have to explain all this crap.” Hoyt straightened and looked at him. “Did you let the team know you’re here?”
    Chax moved into the room to stand in the corner, his attention on Tabatha.
    “Yes, and they’re not too happy I’m here, but I don’t care. I need to be with Tabatha. I’ll go now and talk to Shane, but call me when Tabby starts to waken. I want to explain everything to her.” Ben turned and left them.
    Hoyt shook his head and gazed over at Chax. “You know she’s going to want to stay here. We need to bring in more men to patrol this place.”
    “I’ve scanned the area, and so far no one else is here, but I’m sure they will find out soon enough.” Chax nodded at Tabatha. “You know we’re going to have our hands full with her, right? From what I’ve seen already, she doesn’t take orders well.” He growled and walked over to her, tracing her breast with his finger. “I can’t wait to tame you.”
    Tabatha opened her eyes to see the ceiling fan in her old bedroom. She looked around the room and saw Ben across from her. He stood there with Hoyt and Chax next to him, Ben’s smile

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