Scorpio's Lot
involved that day.’
    ‘I knew Jake always ran the same
course from around seven each morning, so for Brigit to be there was
coincidental. Make no mistake, the trap was laid for Jake. Unfortunately for
Brigit, it was a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Jake
stumbled across something he wasn’t meant to hear and has paid the price for
his interference. His witnessing of the murder may have overshadowed the real
reason behind their revenge. If this is true, then my guess would be something
highly incriminating to the drug operation.’
    ‘That makes sense.’
    ‘These people will stop at
nothing to protect their interests. Brigit may only be dealing at the low end
of the operation, but it’s the harder drugs where the real money’s made. They
feel exposed when a link in the chain’s broken, so if their cover’s threatened
they quickly deal with it. Unfortunately, in this case Jake was the
    ‘I’ve just had a terrible
thought,’ I said. ‘If what you say’s correct, Jake may have informed Brigit
about what he heard. I mean, her life could very well be in danger. I better
contact Forbes when I’m finished here and tell him about this.’
    ‘I’ve thought of the danger to
Brigit but wasn’t sure how to deal with it. Being in hospital, she wouldn’t let
me see her anyway. This is the main reason why I’ve been telling you all this,
because I need someone who can be trusted and who’ll warn her of the danger.’
    Rather than prolong the
inevitable, I decided to phone the hospital right now to establish Brigit’s
whereabouts. ‘Hello, I’m enquiring about Brigit O’Neill’s condition.’
    ‘One moment, please. I’ll just
check,’ replied the voice, followed by the sound of pages being turned. ‘Miss O’Neill
was discharged this morning at ten o’clock.’
    ‘Was someone there to collect
    ‘Yes, a middle-aged woman
arrived. I assumed it was her mother.’
    ‘Thank you for your help.’ I hung
up and explained the situation to James, who immediately looked very troubled.
    ‘Shit, now I’m worried. Brigit’s
in a very vulnerable position while she’s living in that house. What can we do?’
asked James.
    ‘I’ll phone the police now,’ I
replied, with sudden concern.
    I specifically asked for
Detective Forbes, not wanting my message to be passed on and therefore delayed
through the ranks. When he came on the line I said, ‘Detective Forbes, it’s Tom
Harrison calling about a concern for Brigit O’Neill’s safety.’
    ‘Yes, Mr Harrison,’ Forbes said, ‘and
what might that be?’
    ‘There’s a possibility that Jake
Reynolds’ death was brought about by what he overheard in the park that night
and not so much by what he saw.’
    ‘That’s purely speculation.
Sergeant Burke spoke to Jake that same night and said there was talk of an
underground network and the distribution of drugs, but unfortunately the lad
couldn’t elaborate any further,’ offered the detective.
    ‘But there is the possibility he
may have known more and withheld information.’
    ‘Not good enough, Mr Harrison. We’ve
already discussed this aspect and while we cannot dismiss the idea, there is
nonetheless insufficient substance in your claim.’
    ‘Yes, but -’
    ‘Tell me, why do you raise this
    ‘Because Brigit’s my niece and
her life may be in danger. Take a moment to look at the situation from the
syndicate’s point of view. They may be aware of her relationship with Jake and
therefore be of the opinion some damaging information may have been exchanged.
Whether Brigit has knowledge of anything incriminating or not is irrelevant.
The point to consider is this - the syndicate cannot afford to take risks and
therefore they view her as a threat.’
    ‘But Mr Harrison, you continue
with your speculations.’
    Ignoring his negative remark, I
continued to push the

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