
Free Wrecked by Elle Casey

Book: Wrecked by Elle Casey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elle Casey
Tags: General Fiction
thinking Sarah was putting on some kind of negligée and heels, which didn’t make sense since they were going to be leaving the room soon.
    “I’m getting ready to muster.”  And with that, she started pulling off her clothes.  
    Candi stood there speechless, not used to strangers just stripping down in front of her.  Sarah was wearing a really sexy, lacy bra and matching g-string panties.  Candi thought about the serviceable white cotton underwear and flesh-colored bra that had zero lace anywhere on it that she was wearing, feeling embarrassed that her things were so plain.  She looked at the bathroom to gauge whether it was big enough for her to change in so maybe Sarah would never know.
    She turned back to watch as Sarah took the leopard print thing, which turned out to be a very thin mini dress made out of something shiny, and slipped it on over her head.  She kicked off her sandals and slipped her feet into the delicate, black, strappy heels, bending down to secure the tiny buckles that rested above her ankles.   
    Sarah stood up to see Candi standing there with her mouth hanging partially open, too stunned to say anything.  “What’s the matter?  Cat got your tongue?” Sarah asked, waspishly.  
    “Uh, no.  I’m just … ”
    “What?” Sarah demanded, bristling at the naked disapproval coming from her roommate.
    “It’s just that … I mean … aren’t we going to the muster?”
    “Yes, of course we are.  I don’t see your point,” said Sarah, being deliberately obtuse.
    “Well, I don’t know, I mean, maybe it would be easier in … other shoes … or something?”
    “What?  These things?”  She lifted her foot up to the side, twisting her leg around a little bit, showing off her long, shapely, tan and very exposed leg.  “I walk around in shoes like this all the time.  They’re as comfortable as those horrible shoes you’re wearing.”
    Candi glanced down to look at her flip-flops.  “I doubt that.”
    “Yeah, well, whatever.  This is what I’m wearing and nobody’s going to tell me I can’t.”
    “I wasn’t trying to tell you that you can’t wear them, Sarah.”  Candi felt bad that Sarah felt censured, even though she had just criticized her and her flip-flops.
    “I wasn’t talking about you.”   She fixed Candi with a stare that carried a lot of meaning.
    Candi caught on right away.  “You’re talking about your dad, aren’t you?”
    “So what if I am?” Sarah answered nonchalantly, shrugging her shoulders.
    Candi was curious.  “Why do you try so hard to make him mad?”  It seemed counterintuitive to her.  If you want to get along with your parents, you don’t work overtime to make them angry.
    “Why does he work so hard to be such an asshole?  I don’t know.  Maybe because it’s fun.”  She zipped her bags back up in sharp motions, then grabbed her makeup case from the bed.  “Watch out.  I need to freshen up my makeup and you’re standing in front of my mirror.”
    Candi stepped to the side.  She ran out of room in the tiny cabin to go any farther, so she climbed up on the bed.  It was a very small double bed, which she was just realizing might be a problem when rooming with a bossy space hog.
    Sarah sat in front of the mirror, putting on makeup that would have been more at home on someone going out to a nightclub, not a person on a cruise ship in the middle of the day.  
    Candi sighed, not looking forward to the altercation that was sure to erupt between Sarah and her father.
    “I hear you sighing at me.  You’d better watch out, or I’m going to put some of this on you, too.  Then we’ll see what your precious daddy has to say about that.”
    Candi didn’t like Sarah talking about her family like that.  It gave her a little extra courage she normally didn’t have.  “Listen, Sarah, I appreciate that you have some sort of thing going on with your dad or whatever, but that doesn’t make it okay for you to say crap about

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