Heroes Never Die

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Book: Heroes Never Die by Lois Sanders Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lois Sanders
the diamond eternity ring onto her finger.  Then Rowdy handed Brian’s ring to Stephanie.  She gently slid the ring onto his finger and promised that her love would never end.
    “I now pronounce you husband and wife,” the minister announced.  Brian took Stephanie’s hand and they turned to face their guests with jubilant smiles.
    Stephanie noticed an honor guard of eight saber bearers along both sides of the aisle.  Rowdy immediately introduced the couple.  “Distinguished members of the Armed Services, ladies and gentlemen,” Rowdy boomed.  “It is my privilege to introduce for the first time – Major and Mrs. Fairchild.”  Stephanie watched as the guests rose to their feet and clapped with thunderous approval.  Then Rowdy commanded, “Center Face!”  The saber bearers turned and faced each other.  “Arch Sabers!”  Each saber bearer raised his saber with his right arm.  They turned their sabers clockwise until the sharp end was up.  Then each man smacked his saber against the opposite blade.  Stephanie heard the clash of the steel blades.
    Brian slipped his arm around Stephanie’s waist and led her under the saber archway.  Our first steps together as husband and wife.  The last two saber bearers lowered their sabers and refused to allow Brian and Stephanie to pass.
    “Major Fairchild,” Rowdy ordered.  “Kiss your bride!”  Stephanie melted when she saw Brian’s mischievous grin.  He pulled her close and gently folded her back into his arms.  Then he pressed her mouth with a kiss.  “Well done, Major Fairchild!” Rowdy commended.  The guests roared with approval, and the bearers lowered their sabers to allow Brian and Stephanie to pass.  Then Rowdy gave the last order, “Rear Face!” and the sound of swooshing blades being returned to their ceremonial belts was heard.
    The formal part of the ceremony was over, and Stephanie felt a deep sense of pride.  I’m Mrs. Brian Fairchild now.  And I want everyone to know it.  She took her place beside her groom and pressed Brian’s mouth with a heartfelt kiss.  I never want this day to end.
    The time came to leave for the honeymoon.  Stephanie and Brian joined Robert in the privacy of his study.  Stephanie was saving the most difficult goodbye for last.  She hugged her dad tightly.  “Thank you for giving me such a wonderful wedding, Dad.  It was everything I dreamed of and more.”
    “It was my pleasure, sweetheart, which reminds me, I want to give you and Brian your wedding present.
    “Dad,” she objected.  “You’ve already done more than enough.”
    “When you find out what it is, you’ll see that it’s pure selfishness on my part.”  Robert opened the middle drawer of his desk and pulled out a check and held it out to both of them.  “Now you can buy the house you have your hearts set upon, and you’ll live close to me just like you promised.”  Stephanie gasped when she saw the amount of the check.
    Brian refused to take the check.  “We can’t accept it, General.  It’s far too generous.”
    “Brian,” Robert explained.  “Approximately two hours ago you married my daughter.  That made you family.  I expect you to take this check just as I would expect my own son to take it.”
    Stephanie watched as Brian swallowed hard and accepted the check.  “I’m very humbled, sir.”
    “And I’m very proud to have you as my son.”  Robert hugged him and warmly slapped his back.  Then he pulled Stephanie close, and the three of them huddled.  “I love you both.”
    Stephanie’s insides burst with happiness.  Her family had grown to include Brian.  The change felt natural, as if Brian had been a part of her life all along.  “Thank you so much, Dad.  We were afraid someone would buy the house before we could.”
    “You two lovebirds had better hit the road before you miss your flight.  Now get out of here and go enjoy your honeymoon.”
    Stephanie looked into her dad’s eyes.  She knew

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