Heroes Never Die

Free Heroes Never Die by Lois Sanders

Book: Heroes Never Die by Lois Sanders Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lois Sanders
cheek.  Then he tried to hug her without crumpling her dress.
    “You look so handsome in your uniform.  I’m going to be proud to have you walk me down the aisle, Dad.”  She watched his jaw stiffen and she knew he was struggling.  He had helped her take her first steps as a baby and now he was helping her take her first steps as a grown woman.
    “The pleasure is mine.  Are you nervous?”
    “I have butterflies in my stomach.”
    “It’s not too late to back out.”  His eyes twinkled even more.
    “Not in a million years,” she playfully assured him.
    “We have to go,” Jan rushed them.
    “I’d like to have a moment alone,” Robert requested.  He waited for the photographer and Jan to leave the room.  Then he lifted Stephanie’s chin.  “I want you to know, sweetheart, that I love you very much, and I want your happiness more than anything.  I just wish your mother were here to see you.  She would be so proud of you.”
    “She is here, Dad.  I’m wearing her dress and her tiara just like she always wanted.  I even smelled a hint of her perfume when I put on her gown; at least, I imagined I did.  And if she were standing here right now, she would tell you that you were always a wonderful father to me.”
    “I appreciate that more than you can ever know…I guess I should give you some fatherly advice before you get married.  This could be my last chance to lecture you.”
    “Give it your best shot,” she giggled.
    “I know you and Brian will be happy together, but if you ever find yourself feeling neglected, you are never to look outside of the boundaries of your marriage to find the fulfillment you want.  Do you understand me?”
    Stephanie wasn’t sure if he was teasing or if he was being serious.  Either way, his advice was hysterical.  “Sure, Dad, I understand.  I’m not supposed to fool around with other men, but I am supposed to fool around with Brian.”
    “Your translation needs some help,” he groaned, “but you have the gist of it.”  Robert held out his arm, and Stephanie gracefully tucked her arm inside of his.  Robert stood motionless and Stephanie sensed his reluctance.  Then finally, he took a step forward.
    When Stephanie reached her bedroom doorway, she glanced back at the étagère holding all of her favorite dolls and stuffed animals.  Goodbye childhood.  Wish me luck.
    Robert and Stephanie walked downstairs to the terrace doorway.  Stephanie smelled the fragrant sprays of deep purple and violet flowers in the warm afternoon and she saw a table holding a luminous fountain of sparkling champagne.  Her wedding cake was draped in lavish sugar flowers that matched her bouquet, the chairs were covered with white linens and violet bows, a giant tent with cathedral windows was elegant enough to serve the banquet, and the ceremonial platform had an archway that was woven with more flowers.  It’s everything I dreamed it would be.
    The ‘Wedding March’ began to play and Stephanie’s stomach flip-flopped with nervous excitement.  She glanced at her dad.  “I’m ready.”
    Robert and Stephanie stepped out onto the terrace and everyone rose from their chairs.  Stephanie heard the guests gasp with admiration when they saw her.  She looked ahead and saw Brian in his mess dress.  He was the most handsome man she had ever seen, and she would never forget the look of amazement that came over his face when he saw her.  She was anxious to pledge her life to him.
    Stephanie’s dad sweetly kissed her goodbye, and then Stephanie handed her bouquet to Kaitlyn.  Brian reached for her hands and she gazed into his genuine eyes.  Suddenly, all of the noise seemed to fade and nothing else mattered except being with Brian.  Today is the happiest day of my life.  Then she repeated her vows.
    Stephanie watched as Rowdy removed his white gloves with formal precision.  He held Brian’s gloves and then handed Stephanie’s ring to him.  She smiled as Brian slipped

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