Where You Can Find Me

Free Where You Can Find Me by Fiona Cole

Book: Where You Can Find Me by Fiona Cole Read Free Book Online
Authors: Fiona Cole
with you. Anything for you.

    Me: Oh God.

    Jack: Do me a favor Lu.

    Me: Anything.

    Jack: Make yourself come for me … send me a picture to prove it … I can’t call now, otherwise I could talk you through it baby, but prove it to me another way.
    Shit. My body was on fire. One big throbbing blaze. It roared louder and louder with each message that came from him. I thought I would feel shame when he reminded me of how turned on I was when that guy walked in on us. But instead, what I remembered was the desire to be watched and wanted when it happened. Jack’s approval only ignited the burn hotter. I didn’t need his approval, but I wanted it.
    With his words swimming in my mind I set about my task. With a tentative touch, I swiped my thumbs across my nipples. When they hardened I pinched them hard, gasping and lifting my hips in reaction. Lifting my tank to just above my tits, I used my left hand to continue playing with them and with my right hand I pushed into my underwear to feel my pussy. I was so wet from his words that I knew he wouldn’t have to wait long for proof.
    With trembling knees, I dug my heels into the bed, my pointer and ring finger parting my lips to expose my clit. The cool air blew against me and I used my middle finger to rub my bud. I continued to play with my nipples remembering how Jack sucked on them, almost making me come from that alone. Pushing two fingers inside, I massaged while my vagina tightened, gaining friction. I pulled out and began to run my two fingers in tight circles around my clit and roughly pinched and pulled on my nipples.
    A moan slipped from my throat wishing I could hear Jack’s voice whispering in my ear. All of a sudden his eyes flashed in my mind almost sending me over the edge. Clenching my eyes, focusing on the image, when from behind him my imagination conjured the guy who walked in on us. Jack smiled and made room for the stranger with gray-blue eyes. I gasped knowing what was coming next. Heat spread throughout my body as my heels dug deep into my mattress causing my ass to lift off the bed clenching tight as my pussy began pulsing through my orgasm. Slick fingers rubbed quickly trying to extend the pleasure as my pulse pounded through my body. I stopped breathing and tightened every muscle, making it last.
    At last, I took a breath and relaxed back on the bed, slowing my fingers to bring me back down from my climax. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly, smiling at how good it felt. Then I thought about how Jack asked me to prove it to him. I grabbed my phone thinking of taking a picture but not wanting to be so obvious. I pulled my fingers away from my clit and heard how wet they were.
    So wet I could see my come.
    I decided to be a little obvious and took my right hand and held my left breast, letting a little of my nipple peek through. I captured only half my face in the picture showing my glazed eye, the sweat along my hairline, and the pink flush still tainting my skin. Without thinking too much about it, I sent the picture.
    I waited, but I didn’t have to wait for long.
    Jack:…Fuck me Luella… I just… I’m fucking speechless. I would give just about anything to lick to those damn fingers clean.

    Me: I’ll lick them clean for you.

    Jack: *growls* Tomorrow night. We are going on a date tomorrow night. And Luella?

    Me: Yes Jack?

    Jack: The rules of have changed … the speed of this game has changed. Be ready.

Chapter Ten
Bones - Michael Kiwanuka
    T he next night I waited by the front window, watching for Jack. I didn’t want him to come to the door, afraid of what would happen if he did, afraid we would have stayed in the house and never made it on the date. I wasn’t sure why I decided to hold out so long on the no-sex and take it slow. But I had a strong feeling tonight would change that. I might have pushed Jack too far with our conversation last night. I might have pushed myself too far last night.
    So when Jack pulled into my

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