Frankie's Back in Town

Free Frankie's Back in Town by Jeanie London

Book: Frankie's Back in Town by Jeanie London Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeanie London
was up to. Oh, he knew all right. She could see it in his face, feel it in the pit of her stomach.
    “That doesn’t seem right.” His smile widened. “Seems like there should be some loophole for historical significance.”
    It took a moment for his words to register, to realize he’d let them segue through the moment and ignore this awareness between them. This awareness that shouldn’t be happening.
    “You know, I hadn’t thought of that,” she said in a rush. “Nonna’s was one of the first residential houses around here. I should check with the town historical society.”
    “Good idea. So what happens after you sell the place? Do you and your daughter intend to buy something in the area?”
    Danger. Danger. Danger.
    The warning blared inside her head. She should not be feeling this crazy pleasure because Jack was interested in her plans. Maybe he was being polite. Or his interest was strictly professional. But she could hear that warning inside her head, feel it straight to her toes. So much more was happening here.
    She forced herself to reply casually. “That’s the plan. Not sure where we want to live yet, though. Haven’t had much time to look between getting settled at work and school and pulling the house together.”
    “That must be a job. The house looks huge, and I know you’re busy working and solving mysteries and…” Dragging his gaze down the length of her, he didn’t miss an inch in between. “You’re a runner.”
    She nodded.
    His smile widened. “So am I.”
    Three little words that closed the distance between them in a very personal way.
    Francesca was saved from having to reply as they reached the express lane. Jack took her storage container and placed it on the conveyor then stepped aside, allowing her to move ahead.
    Get a grip. Get a grip. Get a grip.
    She reached inside her pocket for her debit card and didn’t say another word as they made their purchases and headed outside. She didn’t trust herself to open her mouth just yet. Not with this man oozing his charm all over her. Not with her immunity to charm in desperate need of a booster shot.
    The predawn cold went a long way toward diffusing the warmth that had everything to do with the handsome man beside her. Francesca set down her bin to bundle up for the walk home.
    Jack watched her wrap her scarf around her neck, and the charm vanished in the blink of an eye. The smile disappeared and there wasn’t a hint of flirting in his voice when he asked, “You’re not walking, are you?”
    “I’ll cut through the parking lot.”
    His brow creased as he narrowed his gaze over the vast and mostly empty parking lot that suddenly seemed like a hotbed for potential crime beneath the suddenly scowling expression of the police chief. “I’ll give you a ride.”
    “That’s not necessary, Jack. I’ll be home in a heartbeat.”
    He held her gaze steadily and repeated, “I’ll give you a ride.”
    Mr. Take-Charge wasn’t leaving her any way to decline politely. Francesca wasn’t sure what she thought of that. It was a new experience. That much was for sure.
    She resisted the urge to point out that she’d just survived a five-mile run, and said, “If you insist.”
    “I do.” His voice was a husky whisper between them as he slipped a hand around her elbow and led her toward an occupied space.
    The next thing Francesca knew, she was being ushered inside a late model Crown Victoria that screamed unmarked car with its darkly tinted windows and nondescript design. Taking her storage bin, he held the door while she slipped inside. He settled her purchase in the backseat then slid in beside her, filling the close quarters with his presence, so completely masculine with his determined manner.
    The glow from all the electronic displays cast his profile in glowing relief, and the moment became surreal, an intriguing glimpse of a Jack she hadn’t met yet. A Jack who wasn’t the thoroughly charming police chief, but a

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