Falling for Grace (Four Winds)

Free Falling for Grace (Four Winds) by Anne Conley

Book: Falling for Grace (Four Winds) by Anne Conley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anne Conley
conversation she wanted to have in front of Rafe.  At all.  "Okay.  Talk."
    Brad's eyes were watery, and Grace wasn't sure if it was from drinking so much or because he was getting ready to cry. 
    "I don't like him living with you, Grace."
    "Then give me three hundred and fifty dollars a month and he's out of here."
    Rafe looked thunderstruck.  "What?"  His eyes in the mirror were wide, and the green irises blazed so brightly that Grace had to look away.
    "You know I can't do that.  Mom doeshn't give me that much money every month, Grace."
    "Then Rafe stays.  Get over it, Brad."
    He looked over at Rafe, whose jaw was tight, his eyes back on the road.
    "She mine, mushcle man."
    "I got it, Brad.  She's yours."  Rafe practically growled the words at Brad.
    Grace was done.  "Pull over, Rafe."
    "Because I'm through sitting here listening to this shit.  I don't belong to you Brad, and I'm tired of you acting like I'm your prized dog that somebody else is petting.  I can walk from here."
    "Don't Grace."  Rafe's voice slipped through her angry haze, and she looked at him in the mirror again.  "We're almost to Brad's place, I'll walk you home."
    "Perfect."  Brad mumbled.
    "What did you expect, Brad?  You left me with Rafe while you went off to flirt with that girl, and then got so shit-faced you can't drive me home?  Would you rather I walk alone, so that he doesn't spend any more time with me than necessary?"
    "No."  He sounded sullen.
    “Then shut up and let us get you home.” 
    "Okay."  They were silent the rest of the way, and when they got to Brad's apartment, Rafe handed him his keys, and turned to Grace.
    "Do you think he needs help getting to his place from here?"
    “Yeah, I got him.  Will you wait here?”
    Rafe nodded, “You need help?”
    She shook her head, concentrating on getting Brad up the stairs. 
    At his apartment door, she leaned him on the wall and stood across from him.
    “This was embarrassing, Brad.”
    His glazed eyes looked at her.  “What?”
    “You know.  This whole night.  You’ve been attacking Rafe all night long, and it’s not fair to him.  There was no need for you to feel so threatened, and I am not some bone for you to fight over.”
    “I’m shorry Grashe…”
    “I am too.  This is over, Brad.”
    He looked up at her, his eyes pleading, and Grace felt nothing.  Yup.  It was time.
    “What do you mean?”
    “We’re done.  No more.  You screwed up, tonight.”  She turned to walk back down the stairs.
    “If I need to explain everything tomorrow, when you’re sober, you can call me, but I won’t change my mind.  You don’t treat people like that and expect to get away with it.  Not with me, anyways.”  She walked down the stairs to see Rafe waiting patiently at the bottom, a question in his eyes.
    “Did you get him all tucked in?”
    "I don't care if he sleeps in the hallway.  I'm sick of looking at him."
    A small smile tugged at the corners of Rafe's mouth, as he walked next to Grace on the way home.  They didn't live far from Brad's place, it was directly across the island.  It was a walk, but not too bad, and she needed the fresh air after the testosterone riddled car ride. 
    She could feel his furtive glances, could sense the satisfied smirk, and could only imagine what he was thinking.  His hand kept grazing against hers as they walked home, side by side, sending warm tingles up to her elbow with each brief point of contact.
    Finally, she couldn't take it anymore.  Grace stopped walking and turned to him. 
    "Don't start thinking that just because I broke up with Brad, you have a chance."
    He threw up his hands in an innocent gesture, eyes wide.  "I'm not thinking anything like that Grace."  For once, his smile was gone.  "Well, maybe I am a little…but I would never try anything now , for heaven's sake.  I don't like you all angry and stuff."  The smile came back, teasing Grace, and she couldn't do anything but

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