Dawn of a New Day

Free Dawn of a New Day by Gilbert Morris

Book: Dawn of a New Day by Gilbert Morris Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gilbert Morris
Tags: FIC042000, FIC042030, FIC026000
came by and paused beside her. “Prudence,” he said very quietly, “after you finish eating, I need to have a word with you.”
    â€œOf course, Mr. Spender. I’ll come to your classroom.” Thinking that it was something concerning the part, Prue hurriedly finished, then made her way out of the cafeteria and down the halls. When she went into Mr. Spender’s classroom, she saw that a troubled look was on his face. “Yes, sir?” she asked. “What is it?”
    Ira Spender was not a man who could deal with difficult situations easily. He began talking in a rambling fashion about the integrity of a cast and how every member was a part, like a part of a machine. Prue listened to him, wondering where in the world he was going. Finally, almost in desperation, he said, “I know you’d like to do the part of Sally, but I just don’t feel it’s right for you.” He saw the disappointment drive the smile from her face and hurriedly said, “You’ve got another year, and this would be a good time for you to get experience. Perhaps you could help with the costumes, or be a prompter.”
    All the joy left Prudence, and she said dolefully, “No thank you, Mr. Spender. Maybe I wasn’t meant to be an actress anyway.” She turned to leave, hearing him call out to her, “Now wait a minute, Prudence! Don’t take it like that!” But she closed the door quietly, and for the rest of the day said not a word. The disappointment cut like a knife, and then she saw Mark and Debbie walking down the hall arm in arm late that afternoon headed for practice, obviously, and anger touched her. She was not a girl given to anger, as a rule, but somehow she just knew that Debbie Peters had something to do with her rejection. She knows how to work men, and Mr. Spender wouldn’t be anything for her , she thought as she watched Mark and Debbie disappear into the auditorium.
    â€œHi, sweetie pie.”
    Prue turned to find Leon Dicus approaching, and, as usual, he managed to put his hand on her, this time on her shoulder, which he kneaded with his strong fingers. “Why don’t you and I go out and hit a flick tonight? Maybe get something to eat afterward?”
    â€œAll right. I’d like that.”
    Leon Dicus’s face assumed a comic air. “Why, I must’ve asked you a hundred times and you’ve turned me down a hundred times. You’re gettin’ smart, Prue.” He squeezed her shoulder again, then winked. “I’ll pick you up at six thirty.”
    â€œAll right, Leon.”
    Prue watched him walk away in that peculiar walk that athletes have, those trying to be athletes, at least. It was a sort of a rolling swagger, and he acted as if his neck were so muscular that he could not twist it around, so he turned slowly to face people. “Why did I do that? I can’t stand him.” Prue knew with one part of her mind that she was getting revenge somehow on Mr. Spender, and Debbie, and even Mark. The bitterness that came to her did not allow for logical thinking. She lifted her head high and said, “I’ll go out and have a good time.” She left the school and went home, determined to show somebody that she could have a life without a role in a sorry little high school drama.

    The movie was Dr. No , starring Sean Connery and Ursula Andress. It was the second of the series that Prue had seen, and she enjoyed the smooth antics of British Agent 707. She thought Connery was amusing, and as for the feminine star, her chief claim to acting fame came from her curvaceous body, which she displayed at every possible opportunity.
    In one scene where Ursula Andress appeared to her best advantage, Leon put his arm around Prue and pulled her closer. He whispered hoarsely, “Her name ought to be Ursula Un dress.” His wit, such as it was, amused him, and he kept his arm around Prue, constantly caressing her. At one

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