Dangerous Confessions of the Heart (Dangerous Secrets of the Heart)

Free Dangerous Confessions of the Heart (Dangerous Secrets of the Heart) by Michele Johnson

Book: Dangerous Confessions of the Heart (Dangerous Secrets of the Heart) by Michele Johnson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michele Johnson
“Come on, I want to show you something.” He said taking my hand. He delicately walked us over to the waterfall and carefully slipped behind it drawing me in with him. There was a cave behind it. My heart began to melt again and my eyes began to tear up. Although, this waterfall cave wasn’t one you had to climb to, it still reminded me of my time with Jesse.
                  “Are you sure you’re okay?” He asked again.
                  “Austin, this is lovely…” I said. I wanted to tell him everything but instead I said “Thank you.”
                  He drew me closer to him and we sat on the floor. I laid my head on his chest. I didn’t know how to react about this. I couldn’t stop my head from thinking about Jesse. My heart was beginning to long for him again. I thought I was over it.
                  “This is one of my favorite places and I remember you talking about missing your waterfalls back home. So I decided to bring you here.” He clarified.
                  I looked up at his eyes and gave him a appreciative smile. He pulled me close to him and kissed me. “I love you Ami.” He said.
                  “I love you too Austin.” I said back.
                  I got up from the solid, drenched caved floor. We were now soaked from the mist of water coming at our face. I removed my shirt and jean shorts and placed them on the cave floor. Austin got up and placed his hand on my neck. He pulled me deep into a kiss. After the kiss I realized I needed to leave this cave.
                  “I’m going swimming. Wanna join me?” I asked.
                  “Sure.” He said removing his shirt because his pants were swimming trunks.
                  I eased out of the waterfall and looked at the rushing waters below it. I gradually eased myself into the deep water and began to swim around. My memories of Jesse began again:
    “Enjoying yourself?” A male voice came from behind me.
    “Oh my god! Jesse.” I said.
    “Mind if I join?” he asked splashing me as he jumped in. 
    “You splashed me.” I said.
    “What brings you out here?” he asked.
    “I needed to relax.” I explained.
    “I can help with that.”
    “Oh really, How?” I asked.
    “Did you know that people are completely weightless in the water?” he scooped me up in his arms bridal style.
    I smiled at him “I’m sure I’ve heard that somewhere.”
    He swam around with me in his arms. I looked into his eyes. They were shamrock green again. I was in a trance.
    “Lay back…” he commanded in a whisper but his voice was gently, easy and sweet.
    Austin interrupted my flashback as he cannonballed into the water. I let out a slight scream as the water splashed in my face.
    “Austin, you splashed me.” I said with a chuckle. I didn’t want him to see my annoyance for messing up my flashback of Jesse.
    He let out a chuckle and we began to swim around together. “Enjoying yourself?” He asked.
    “Yes.” I lied. Actually I wanted to get out of here and go somewhere that doesn’t remind me so much of Jesse.  “I’m starving.”
    “Good. I brought us some lunch to eat by the river and a change of clothes. As soon as we are done swimming I’ll go get them.”
    “Of course you did…” I thought to myself. I wanted to get away from this waterfall. The sounds, the smells; It was the same as home, with Jesse; But somehow…It was very different also. I detected Austin staring at me for an response to lunch. “Yeah. That sounds great.” I said trying to hide my sarcasm.
    “Is everything okay Jamie?” He asked. The water was loud and roaring around us but I’m sure I heard him call me Jamie.
    “Jamie?” I asked.
    “What?” He asked brushing me off.
    “You called me Jamie?” I said.
    “No, Ami, I called you Ami.” He lied. “Are we done swimming?” He asked

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