Weekend Warriors

Free Weekend Warriors by Fern Michaels

Book: Weekend Warriors by Fern Michaels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Fern Michaels
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Retail
better if you don’t know, Nikki. Just go about your daily business the same way you always do.”
    “Myra, that’s goddamn near impossible. I don’t have a normal life anymore. I’m up to my eyeballs in illegalities. I could lose my license to practice law. I’ve lost my boyfriend who was supposed to put a ring on my finger this year. I damn near cheered when those women voted to castrate those creeps that attacked Kathryn. What does that make me, Myra? Tell me. I need to know what I’m turning into here.”
    “Jack will come back, dear. I’m sure the dinner with the redhead was a witness or a friend. Jack loves you. If you lose your license, we’ll have Charles get you a new identity. You know, Nikki, it really isn’t all that hard to do if you have the right contacts. You aren’t turning into anything. You are still the bright, intelligent girl I love and admire. You haven’t changed. Circumstances changed.”
    Nikki bit into her sandwich. She chewed thoughtfully. “I can’t be on Kathryn’s team this time around. I have to be here for Marie. After that, I’m all yours. I will take some of that coffee, Myra. By the way, that was a nice thing you did for Isabelle. She’s been having a terrible time.”
    “We’ll get her life back for her. If she’s the kind of person I think she is, she’ll pay me back as soon as possible. I like Kathryn. I wanted to cry for her. I like all the women. It’s all so unjust, so unfair. But then that’s why we formed the Sisterhood, isn’t it?
    “Nikki, how will you handle it when Marie Lewellen . . . disappears?”
    “Very carefully, Myra. Have you been in touch with her lately?”
    “Goodness, no. I’ve stayed away just the way you said I should. She sent me a note thanking me for posting her bail. I haven’t called either. Have you seen her?”
    Nikki pushed her plate to the center of the table. “No. I do talk to her on the phone. She told me her husband took his vacation. She said he had something like forty-five days coming to him and was going to do some things to the house. Their pictures are going to be all over the news and in the newspapers. Where are you going to relocate them?”
    “It’s better if you don’t know, Nikki. Julia Webster is going to do some plastic surgery on both Marie and her husband once they’re settled in their new home. Children change on a day-to-day basis. We’ll have them home-schooled for a year or so until we feel they’ve changed enough not to warrant scrutiny. We have it under control, dear.”
    “Okay, I’m off to bed.” She looked around. “I always loved this kitchen. I mean, I really loved it.”
    Myra nodded. “I’ll clean up here and make some sandwiches for Charles for later. I know, Nikki, that you still have mixed feelings about what we’re doing. I’m hoping in time you will grow as comfortable with it as I have. If not, you’ll just have to suck it up,” Myra said cheerfully.
    In spite of herself, Nikki burst out laughing. She hugged Myra good night before she headed up the kitchen staircase that would take her to her old room at the end of the long hall that ran the length of the house.
    “Screw you, Jack,” she muttered as she pulled off her sweatpants. As she tugged at the bottom of the pant legs she saw the dark red X on the hem. Barbara always made a red X on her jeans and sweats so they wouldn’t mix them up in the laundry. Tears burned her eyes and trickled down her cheeks as her index finger traced the X. “We’re doing it for you, Barb. Wherever you are, I hope you understand. I miss you, Barb. I’d give anything if I could talk to you about Jack. Watch over us, okay.” She didn’t feel the least bit silly or self-conscious talking to someone who wasn’t there. Barbara’s spirit would always live in this room. The faint scent of her perfume still lingered in the air after all this time. She knew in her heart it would stay in the room forever, just like the furniture would stay as

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