Scandalous Arrangement

Free Scandalous Arrangement by Mia Grandy

Book: Scandalous Arrangement by Mia Grandy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mia Grandy
Chapter 1
    Southern Memorial University
    As I sat on the couch in the waiting room I began to think about how my life will be now that I have left home to attend college. My mother never had the chance to pursue her education past high school. Guess you can say she didn’t need to. Some of us use what we have to get what we want in life. My mother is a thing of beauty, that’s where I get my great looks from. She was the type to get by on her looks and she did it quite well. We are similar in height and build, and since I am in my prime, gravity is still on my side.
    I filled out in early high school. I was curvier, bustier, and more confident than my counterparts. She taught me all I needed to know about getting what I want out of this life. She would say “some of us are just blessed with better looks and charm than others, so we might as well use it to our advantage.” My mother always looked like a Barbie doll and she made sure I did to. It was one thing to be a blue eyed blond beauty, but a totally different thing to be half white half black with hazel eyes and curly hair. There was no comparison, I always did and always will stand out.
    The difference between me and every other young woman is that they try to look good, it comes naturally for me. My mother would always say “always put your best foot forward, let confidence flow from you, and own every opportunity to be the center of attention.” Her advice hasn’t led me astray yet.
    “Julie Pierce” called the housing assistant “here I am”. I was next in line to get my room and board in order to attend Southern M emorial University this fall. Where I come from most single parent families, don’t have any money saved up for their kids to attend college. I knew I was going to live off of student loans and whatever job I could get. I talked to enough people to understand how “the system” works. If you work it just right you can get all kind of incentives from the government. I had a long list of things to take care of before the week was up. This was my first stop, up next was financial aid. So I went in to speak with the counselor about my options for on campus housing. It looks as though I was able to get a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment.
    They would pair me with the next availa ble person who was looking for 2 bedroom accommodations, unless I had a specific person in mind to room with. Since I was sort of a “party of 1” kind of girl, I felt better with just being paired up with a stranger. Who knows maybe my charm and confidence will rub off on her?
    There were 15 apartment buildings on the east side of campus; my dwelling was on the 3 floor of a 3 story building. Just my luck, there weren’t any elevators, just stairs. Well I guess it’s better than being on the 1 st and 2 nd floor and hearing the noise above you. This just means that I am going to have to find some strong guys to help me unload my things. I had until next week to move in and get settled, class starts the following Monday.
    I arrived at the financial aid building with the help of the P.A.W.S; they were student helpers there to assist incoming freshmen. I got a few weird looks and glances from other girls as I walked to my destination. That was something I was used to, what can I say I turn heads everywhere I go. The waiting room wasn’t that packed. I took a ticket from the take a number counter and sat by the window. I noticed that I was number 43, they were on number 37. I had a small wait ahead of me, so I whipped out my phone to check my messages. My mom sent me a message asking me how it was all going.
    One of my guy friends left me a voicemail letting me know that he was registering for his classes. I mostly had male friends; they were less drama and were great when I needed some muscle around to help with odd and ends. A few of the guys I chilled with were going to S.M.U to. So it would be just like old times with my typical crew. My buddy Mike was a ladies’

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