unpredictable. You’re nothing else but a wild animal, when you come downto it. You’re a barbarian. And to put the old tin lid on it, you stink from arse-hole to breakfast time. Look at it. You come here recommending yourself as an interior decorator, whereupon I take you on, and what happens? You make a long speech about all the references you’ve got down at Sidcup, and what happens? I haven’t noticed you go down to Sidcup to obtain them. It’s all most regrettable but it looks as though I’m compelled to pay you off for your caretaking work. Here’s half a dollar.
He feels in his pockety takes out a Half-crown and tosses it at DAVIES ’ feet . DAVIES stands still MICK walks to the gas stove and picks up the Buddha.
DAVIES (slowly). All right then … you do that … you do it … if that’s what you want.…
He hurls the Buddha against the gas stove. It breaks.
(Passionately.) Anyone would think this house was all I got to worry about. I got plenty of other things I can worry about. I’ve got other things. I’ve got plenty of other interests. I’ve got my own business to build up, haven’t I? I got to think about expanding … in all directions. I don’t stand still. I’m moving about, all the time. I’m moving … all the time. I’ve got to think about the future. I’m not worried about this house. I’m not interested. My brother can worry about it. He can do it up, he can decorate it, he can do what he likes with it. I’m not bothered. I thought I was doing him a favour, letting him live here. He’s got his own ideas. Let him have them. I’m going to chuck it in.
DAVIES . What about me?
Silence. MICK does not look at him.
A door bangs.
Silence. They do not move.
ASTON comes in. He closes the door, moves into the room and faces MICK . They look at each other. Both are smiling, faintly.
MICK (beginning to speak to ASTON ). Look… uh … He stops, goes to the door and exits. ASTON leaves the door open, crosses behind DAVIES , sees the broken Buddha, and looks at the pieces for a moment. He then goes to his bed, takes off his overcoat, sits, takes the screwdriver and plug and pokes the plug.
DAVIES. I just come back for my pipe.
ASTON. Oh yes.
DAVIES. I got out and … half way down I … I suddenly … found out… you see … that I hadn’t got my pipe.
So I come back to get it.…
Pause. He moves to ASTON .
That ain’t the same plug, is it, you been …?
Still can’t get anywhere with it, eh?
Well, if you … persevere, in my opinion, you’ll pro bably …
You didn’t mean that, did you, about me stinking, did you?
Did you? You been a good friend to me. You took me in. You took me in, you didn’t ask me no questions, you give me a bed, you been a mate to me. Listen. I been thinking, why I made all them noises, it was because of the draught, see, that draught was on me as I was sleeping, made me make noises without me knowing it, so I been thinking, what I mean to say, if you was to give me your bed, and you havemy bed, there’s not all that difference between them, they’re the same sort of bed, if I was to have yourn, you sleep, wherever bed you’re in, so you have mine, I have yourn, and that’ll be all right, I’ll be out of the draught, see, I mean, you don’t mind a bit of wind, you need a bit of air, I can understand that, you being in that place that time, with all them doctors and all they done, closed up, I know them places, too hot, you see, they’re always too hot, I had a peep in one once, nearly suffocated me, so I reckon that’d be the best way out of it, we swap beds, and then we could get down to what we was saying, I’d look after the place for you, I’d keep an eye on it for you, for you, like, not for the other … not for … for your brother, you see, not for him, for you, I’ll be your man, you say the word, just say the word.…
What do you