New Growth (Spook Hills Trilogy Book 2)

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Book: New Growth (Spook Hills Trilogy Book 2) by Jayne Menard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayne Menard
    “Did they come inside?   Did they see Susannah?” Mathew asked.
    “No, I spoke to them at the door.   Susannah was visiting a friend down the
    “Write down what you can recall – hair, eyes, height,
etc.   Even any impressions of each
one.   Anything else?”
    She shook her head even as she searched her memory.   “Wait.   When I went out this morning, I remember a van parked down near the
    “Color, make, name?”
    “Off white.   Enclosed except the front cab part.   No business name painted on the side.   Boxy American type.   Not a VW or another foreign make.”
    “Anyone inside?”
    “Man on a cell phone.”
    She shook her head.   “Didn’t notice.”
    “Lenny is covertly patrolling outside.   He’s pretending to be our driver.”
    She nodded. Even though she trembled with worry over
Susannah, a little relief seeped into her at having Mathew and Uncle Rick with her,
as well as Lenny’s protection.   Answering
Mathew’s questions gave her hope of getting her daughter back.   Instead of waiting and worrying as she did or scowling and criticizing as John
Henry did, they regained a little control and could move forward.   She concentrated on Mathew, readying herself
for the next steps.
    “Did you call the school back?”
    “No, should I?”
    “Let’s leave that for now.   If we decide to go for FBI assistance, they will handle it.   I need to speak to John Henry, even though
this is awkward as hell after what I did up at Rick’s.”
    “I want you here, ” she
said, forcing herself to keep her voice from quavering.   “If anyone can help us, you can.”
    He reached over to press her hand.   “Callie, I will do my best.”
    She nodded, wishing she could bury herself against him and
draw on his strength and composure.   Mathew hustled out to where Rick sat with John Henry.  
    Callie’s eyes followed him, remembering the first time she
had seen Mathew the year before.   Early
in the fall when she had passed Spook Hills on her bicycle, he was standing out
in his new vineyard down near the road.    With the sun sliding towards the horizon, the long slanted rays had
outlined him in a golden nimbus.   The
light had made him a mythical vision standing among the vines.   She had almost fallen off her bike,
gawking.   He had radiated warmth and
goodness.   Knowing him a little better
now, the impression of benevolence remained with her.   She needed his comfort as well as his skills
as an FBI agent.
    Rick walked in.   Callie hoped they could leave John Henry and Mathew alone together
without a fight breaking out.  
    “Callie, I authorized the transfer of money to your bank
under my name, and we’ll pick it up as soon as it arrives.   Mathew offered up some money he had available too,” Rick said.   “Right now, I need some air.   Let’s step into the backyard.”
    They went out to stand just off the patio where flowering
climbers covered the perimeter fencing.   Rick ambled away from the house.  
    “Mathew is going to put a device on your phone to trace any incoming or outgoing traffic.   He will be coming and going from here.   I will stay,” Rick said. “When we go to the
bank, Lenny will be on guard here. Do not open the door for anyone apart from
me, Mathew or Lenny.”
    “Who will go to rescue Susannah?” Callie’s voice started to
fail her.   She hated the way it came out
all shaky.
    “Mathew.   Lenny will
be hiding out in the backseat.”
    “Good.   I don’t want
to risk losing you too.”   Callie began
sobbing.   “What if we don’t get her
    Rick gripped her tightly.   “We will.   Susannah will be back
with us.   We may need to bring in the
    She pushed back and forced a small smile as she wiped away
the remnants of weeping.   “By asking
Mathew to come down, we did that. He told Steve, right?”
    “He’s working on an idea and should send an update
soon.   By the way,

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