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Book: Thr3e by Ted Dekker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ted Dekker
Tags: Ebook, book
tell Sam what was happening inside the house. He wanted to, of course, but he couldn’t tell her the worst of it, although he wondered whether she might have guessed anyway. His time with Sam was special because it was the only part of his life that wasn’t about the house. He wanted to keep it that way.
    The private school Sam attended held classes year-round, so she was always busy during the day, but Kevin knew he could never sneak out during the day anyway. Mother would find out.
    “Why don’t you ever want to play at the park?” Sam asked him one night as they walked through the greenway. “You’d get along great with Tommy and Linda.”
    He shrugged. “I just don’t want to. They might tell.”
    “We could make them swear not to. They like me; they’d promise not to tell. They could be part of our club.”
    “We have fun together without them, don’t we? Why do we need them?”
    “Well, you have to start meeting some other people, Kevin. You’re growing up, you know. I can’t understand why your mom won’t let you out to play in the first place. That’s kinda mean—”
    “Don’t talk about her that way!”
    “Well, it is!”
    Kevin lowered his head, suddenly feeling suffocated. They stood in the quiet for a moment.
    Sam put her hand on his shoulder. “I’m sorry.”
    The way she said it made tears come to his eyes. She was so special.
    “I’m sorry,” she said again. “I guess just because she’s different doesn’t mean she’s mean. Different strokes for different folks, right?”
    He looked up at her, unsure.
    “It’s a saying.” She wiped a tear that had leaked from his right eye. “At least your mom isn’t one of those parents who abuse their kids. I’ve heard my dad talk about some things.” She shuddered. “Some people are horrible.”
    “My mom is a princess,” Kevin said softly.
    Sam grinned politely and nodded. “She’s never hit you, has she, Kevin?”
    “Hit me? Why would she hit me?”
    “Has she?”
    “Never! She sends me to my room and makes me read my books. That’s all. Why would anyone hit someone else?”
    “Not everyone’s as sweet as you, Kevin.” Sam took his hand and they started to walk. “I think my dad might know about us.”
    Kevin pulled up. “What?”
    “He’s asked a few questions. Mom and Dad talk about your family every once in a while. He is a cop, after all.”
    “Did . . . did you tell him anything?”
    “Of course not. Don’t worry. Your secret’s safe with me.”
    They walked for a few minutes, hand in hand.
    “Do you like Tommy?” Kevin asked.
    “Tommy? Sure.”
    “I mean, is he your . . . you know . . .”
    “Boyfriend? Don’t gross me out!”
    Kevin flushed and giggled. They came to a large tree behind her house and Sam stopped. She faced him and took both of his hands in hers. “I don’t have any boyfriends except you, Kevin. I like you.”
    He looked into her bright blue eyes. A gentle breeze lifted her blonde hair so that it swam around her, highlighted by the moon. She was the most beautiful thing Kevin had ever seen. He was so taken with her that he had trouble even speaking.
    “I . . . I like you too, Sam.”
    “We’re like secret lovers,” she said softly, and suddenly her face softened. “I’ve never kissed a boy before. Could I kiss you?”
    “Kiss me?” He swallowed.
    Kevin’s throat was suddenly dryer than baking powder. “Yes.”
    She leaned forward and touched her lips to his for a moment.
    She pulled back and they stared at each other, wide-eyed. Kevin’s heart throbbed in his ears. He should do something! Before he lost his nerve, he bent and returned the kiss.
    The night seemed to disappear around him. He floated on a cloud. They looked at each other, suddenly awkward.
    “I should go now,” she said.
    She turned and ran toward her house. Kevin spun around and tore home, and honestly he wasn’t sure if his feet really were on the ground. He did like Samantha. He

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