The Curse Defiers
This was my life, and I needed to figure out how to deal with it. I didn’t have to accept the gods’ plans, but lashing out in a blind rage wouldn’t help either. I’d figure out my own path. I lifted my face into the shower stream, letting the now-cooling water roll down my body. I needed to stuff my anger back inside, but that was going to take more than a few minutes in a shower. And one thing I didn’t have was time. I’d been with Collin for longer than planned, and David was going to be home in less than an hour. I still needed to pack.
    Reluctantly, I got out of the shower and dried off. Thoughts whirred through my head as I got dressed and packed several days’ changes of clothes. I should never have gone to see Collin. At least not right before my weekend with David. Now I felt guilty and dirty. Sure, Collin had been the one to kiss me, but I’d welcomed his embrace and had been about to pursue more. I could attribute part of my reaction to him as part of our magical bond, but how much was really out of my control?
    I should have told David I was planning to see Collin. And I should also have told him about Claire hearing voices. Why had I felt the need to keep both things to myself? I was afraid to answer my own questions.
    Collin’s concern about going too far inland was sobering. What if he was right? What would happen to me if I used energy to send away a demon or god while I was so far away from the water?
    I was in the bathroom packing my makeup bag when my phone rang. I raced into my room to grab it before the caller hung up, expecting to see David’s name on the screen. My stomach dropped when I saw that it was Tom Helmsworth.
    After taking a deep breath, I answered. “How’s my favorite Manteo police officer?”
    “I need to talk to you, Ellie.” He was using his serious voice. The one that told me I was in trouble . . . but for the life of me, I didn’t know why. The spirits had laid low for the past few weeks, which meant that I had done the same.
    “Well, I’ve missed you too, Tom, but it’s going to have to wait. I’m about to go out of town for the weekend.”
    “Well, then it’s a good thing I caught you before you left.” His tone was far from friendly.
    “Actually, Tom, I don’t have time to chat. David’s supposed to be home in less than thirty minutes. I’ll be back on Sunday night, so we can talk on Monday.” I almost added, “before I go to work.” At least that wasn’t an issue anymore. Too bad it didn’t make me feel any better.
    “Actually, Ellie, if you leave town before you talk to me, I’ll put out a warrant for your arrest.”
    I sank to the edge of the bed, feeling light-headed. “ Why? What did I do?”
    “You didn’t do anything, Ellie.” He sounded exasperated. And tired. “I just need to talk to you.”
    “Then why can’t it wait until I get back?”
    “Goddamn it, Ellie. Will you just do as I ask for once?”
    My irritation was back. “Maybe I would if you asked nicely.”
    “We both know that’s bullshit,” he grumbled. “You have thirty minutes to get your ass to the Manteo police station or I’m going to send someone to pick you up.”
    I started to tell him off, but the dead silence in my ear told me he’d hung up.
    Damn it. I didn’t have time for this, for any of it. If Tom wanted to talk to me, it could only mean one thing: the supernatural world was up to some serious shit again. The last time he’d grilled me was when the demon badgers had started ripping out dogs’ hearts before moving on to humans.
    I grabbed my weekend bag and took it downstairs with me, setting it by the side door before heading outside. I needed to tell David, but he would be worried. I had to admit that I was more than a little worried myself. But I’d kept enough secrets from him for one day. And if this made me late, I’d have to tell him what was going on anyway. I typed a quick text and hit send.
    I need to talk to Tom Helmsworth before we

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