Live Today (Live Today #1)

Free Live Today (Live Today #1) by Savana Jade Page B

Book: Live Today (Live Today #1) by Savana Jade Read Free Book Online
Authors: Savana Jade
                   “I know what you’re doing sis, and it will work for now.” He looks down at the picture and grins. “Yeah, I remember, that was worse than when we all got our first tat together. But hey, that’s how we created the name of the band.”
                   We continue turning the pages and laugh together until the rest of the group came in from the store breaking our moment. I look up at him and mouth “thank you”. He grins down at me and winks. No words needed. I know Brennan will always be there for me, protecting me, holding me when I need a hug, lifting me up when I’m down. And I know there’s nothing I would not do for him in return.
    After we got the groceries put away exactly the way Matt wanted it, he began to prepare for our lunch. They were excited about the phones I bought them and it made me happy to see them playing with them. I decide that while they are busy, it’s the perfect time to steal some alone time. Quietly I get up, and make my way upstairs. As I walk down the hallway to my room, I take a look at how each of them has theirs set up. Drew is definitely the messiest of them all. I make a mental note to buy him a hamper for his clothes soon. Matt has his pretty plain. He has a ton of pictures of his daughter on the walls. I wonder if Willow will let him have her for the week or so. She can stay in the downstairs spare room if she insists on coming here too.
    I run my hand along the wall of the hallway until I get to the last three doors. Gabe’s is on the right, Brennan’s is on the left, and straight ahead is my room. I slowly peek my head into Brennan’s room first. He is so typical. He has furniture set up almost exactly as he did in the old house. It makes me laugh sometimes how he was so gun ho for this move, but wants to keep everything the same. On his wall is a picture of his favorite band. By each of their heads is an autograph signed to Brennan. It was a birthday gift from William and me to him for all his hard work. Of course, Will did most of the dirty work to get the last few signatures on time, but he managed to do so. On the wall next to his dresser is a collage of pictures on a cork board. There are pictures of him and me, some of the three of us. He has a few pictures of the old band, and some of the new.
    As I look closer at the top corner of the board, I notice a picture that’s hidden behind the one of him and I. Pulling the picture to the side, I notice it’s a picture of mom and dad. It must be a picture from before they were married. They are both young, maybe in their late twenties. The resemblance between them and my brother and I are so remarkable. Brennan is a little more slender than dad was, but he has mom’s eyes. I run my finger over her face as I can see myself in the picture. Her hair is pulled back in a ponytail. Her hair isn’t quite as blonde as mine. Her eyes are the deepest color of blue that I’ve ever seen. Mine however are just your ordinary color of blue. I instinctively lick my lips as I compare her mouth to mine. It’s almost as if they composed me into the picture. The only thing of me that looks like dad is my nose. With a heavy sigh, I place the picture back in its place before walking out. I don’t understand why he has a picture of them, but I know one thing, if I never saw them again, it would be too soon.
    I make my way to Gabe’s room. Pushing the cracked door open a bit and I poke my head in. He keeps his room cleaned, which is good. He has a few old pictures of his sisters on his dresser. I smile when I see a picture of the band, but what has me grinning from ear to ear is a picture that was taken of him and me during one of our performances. It must have been taken by a fan because it’s from below looking up. Both Gabe and I are sitting on stools; I actually think I remember this day.
    I had just finished a new song, and he was helping me to get the melody to fit just right.

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