Their Border Lands Refuge [Men of the Border Lands 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Free Their Border Lands Refuge [Men of the Border Lands 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Marla Monroe

Book: Their Border Lands Refuge [Men of the Border Lands 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Marla Monroe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marla Monroe
Tags: Romance
setting the screen back in place. When he opened his arms, she eased into them and stood with her face pressed against his chest as he rocked them back and forth in front of the now-revived flames.
    Having her there in his arms felt so good. He envied Owen in that she loved the other man, but she didn’t hate him for it. Perhaps one day she would grow to love him as well. It hadn’t taken him any time to fall for her. He could admit that to himself now. He loved her with a passion that almost frightened him. She completed him. Something about her sweet smiles and heady, independent streak spoke to him.
    He closed his eyes as he held her and prayed that Owen would wake up soon. He hated seeing her hurting and sad. He knew that if Owen died, a piece of her would go with him and he would mourn that loss as surely as he mourned his friend’s passing.
    With one last squeeze, he released her and turned her toward the stairs. They needed to get some sleep. Tomorrow was another long day, and if the clouds that hid the moon and stars were what he thought they were, there might be snow on the ground in the morning. That would complicate his day to no end.
    He watched Skyler remove her clothes and jump into bed, sliding quickly beneath the covers.
    “Hurry, Simon. It’s cold in here.” She scooted up against Owen.
    He quickly removed his clothes, then doused the light and slipped between the covers to cuddle against her. She hummed her appreciation and wiggled against him. His cock nestled between her buttocks, already aroused and hard. It would be hell to fall asleep like this, but he was right where he wanted to be.
    * * * *
    Skyler climbed the stairs the next morning after having cleaned up the breakfast dishes and seeing Simon out to work. She wanted to check on Owen. She was so worried. He’d been asleep for too long now. Losing him was killing her a little bit each time she looked at him. She loved him with all her heart. Simon had come to mean a lot to her and maybe she was even a little bit in love with him, but she needed Owen, too. He was her rock.
    She wet a cloth and returned to the bed to bathe his face and neck. She kept hoping he would respond to the simple care she gave him. She was careful around the wound that was slowly healing. Still, when he moaned it scared her to death. It was the first sound he’d made since the accident.
    “Owen! Can you hear me? Oh, God, Owen. Wake up for me.” She felt tears streaming down her face as she cupped his face in her hands.
    His eyelids fluttered, but he didn’t open them. She couldn’t believe that he was finally responding. She quickly lowered the sheets some and bathed his chest and arms. He didn’t respond this time.
    After covering him back up, she put away the cloth and sat by the bed again. She pulled his hand from beneath the covers and held it in both of hers, squeezing it occasionally as she talked to him.
    “Owen, baby. I love you. Please open your eyes. I miss you so much.”
    She laid her head on the bed beside him and closed her eyes. She needed to see about lunch soon. It needed to be something warm for Simon since it had snowed the night before. There were a couple of inches on the ground that he had to deal with. She would fix some soup to go along with the sandwiches he normally ate at lunch.
    She stood up and started to pull her hand away from Owen’s when it suddenly closed over hers in a light grip. She jumped.
    His eyes fluttered again. Then he opened and closed his mouth a few times as if trying to talk. She leaned forward and heard him whisper something that she couldn’t make out.
    “It’s okay. You’re going to be fine. I’m here with you.”
    He slowly relaxed all over again, releasing her hand. She watched for the rise and fall of his chest to reassure her that he was still alive. Finding him still breathing, she closed her eyes in relief and tucked his hand back under the covers before hurrying back

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