First Strike

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Book: First Strike by Jack Higgins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jack Higgins
Tags: Fiction
house, the Residence,” said Halford.
    â€œUsually, yes. But this is rather less formal. Less public. Just you guys and few other dignitaries. A couple of guys from the Chinese Embassy who have a meeting with the President beforehand are staying too. So the President thought he’d meet and greet close to his office and away from the public. Saves him the walk as well.”
    â€œDo we get to see the Oval Office?” Rich asked.
    â€œMaybe later. Ask the President, he’ll probably be happy to show you the Oval Office. And the Cabinet Room—that’s through from his secretary who has an office adjoining the President’s.”
    â€œCan’t we see it now?” Jade asked. “Just a quick look?”
    Chuck shook his head. “Afraid not. The President’s working in there.”
    â€œAt least show us where it is,” Rich begged.
    Chuck laughed. “It’s just through here. This place isn’t nearly as big as people imagine, you know.”
    He led them out of the door set at an angle. Now Richcould see it was angled because the corridor outside was cutting across what would otherwise be the corner of the room.
    â€œThe Oval Office,” said Chuck quietly, pointing across the corridor to a large wooden door just a short distance away.
    There was a man in a dark suit sitting on an upright chair outside the door. He nodded at Chuck. “How you doing, sir?”
    â€œPretty good, thanks, Steve.”
    Steve was cradling a briefcase on his lap. It was made of metal, and Rich could see that it was attached to the man’s wrist by a thick, metal chain.
    â€œNice case,” said Rich. “Something important?”
    â€œYou could say that,” Steve replied. He glanced at Chuck, who nodded.
    â€œHe’ll guess anyway. He’s a bright kid,” said Chuck.
    â€œToday, I’m the Bagman,” said Steve. “I keep close to the President at all times, and hope he never needs this.” He tapped the briefcase with his free hand. “This is the briefcase that contains the nuclear launch codes and the equipment to send them.”
    Jade gasped. Halford nodded, obviously having guessed this already. Rich felt slightly queasy just at thethought of the powerful information inside the briefcase.
    Chuck grinned, obviously used to living and working close to the instruments of Armageddon. “We call it the Football,” he said.

    The J-10 fighter was designed to be inherently aerodynamically unstable. The fly-by-wire systems compensated for that, and made use of it to make the aircraft even more manoeuvrable and agile. With its swept back delta wings, small front wings that pivoted under the cockpit and no tail fins, it was exactly what John Chance needed.
    The problem was the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Air Force was not going to let him have it.
    The commander of the warhead convoy had been grateful to Chance and Mr Chang for their help preventing the warheads getting into rebel hands—even without their nuclear weapons they would have been powerful explosives. He was even more grateful to themfor saving his life. So grateful he was very keen for Chance and Mr Chang to wait and meet his superior officers and explain who they were and how they happened to be in that part of Wiengwei at exactly the right time.
    Chance told Mr Chang to agree enthusiastically as they sat waiting for the helicopters to arrive. Then as soon as they got the opportunity, they leaped back into Mr Chang’s car—the engine still running—and sped away.
    Now that Chance had realised what Ralph had been trying to tell Rich, he needed to get in touch with Ardman urgently. The rebels were after the Football—the American nuclear launch codes.
    He couldn’t risk telling the Chinese military that American nuclear launch capabilities might be compromised. They would quickly work out the first target of a nuke in the hands of the Wiengwei

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