Cam Jansen and the Secret Service Mystery

Free Cam Jansen and the Secret Service Mystery by David A. Adler

Book: Cam Jansen and the Secret Service Mystery by David A. Adler Read Free Book Online
Authors: David A. Adler
    Published by the Penguin Group
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    First published in the United States of America by Viking,
a division of Penguin Young Readers Group, 2006
    Published by Puffin Books, a division of Penguin Young Readers Group, 2008
    Text copyright © David A. Adler, 2006
    Illustrations copyright © Susanna Natti, 2006
    All rights reserved
Adler, David A.
    Cam Jansen and the secret service mystery / by David A. Adler ;
illustrated by Susanna Natti.
    p.    cm. – (The Cam Jansen series ; 26)
    Summary: Cam and her friend Danny help solve the mystery of a stolen pearl necklace when the governor comes to visit their school for the dedication of the new library.
    [1. Schools—Fiction. 2. Governors—Fiction. 3. Mystery and detective stories.]
    I. Natti, Susanna, ill. II. Title.
    PZ7.A2615Caqkh 2006    [Fic]—dc22    2005033490
    Puffin Books ISBN: 978-1-101-66212-0
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For Michael, Deborah, and Jacob
    To my mother,
Lee Kingman, with love

    “Please, please, don’t put me in jail!” Danny called out.
    The other children in the classroom turned and looked at Danny.
    “Who’s putting you in jail?” Cam Jansen asked.
    Danny stood by his desk. He spread out his arms and shouted, “I tell you, I didn’t do it!”
    “What didn’t you do?” Eric Shelton wanted to know.
    “They’ve come to get me! This is terrible! They’ve come to get me!”
    “What are you shouting about?” their teacher, Ms. Benson, asked. “What didn’t you do? Who has come to get you?”
    Danny pointed out the window.
    Four police motorcycles, two long black cars, and a news truck had stopped by the front of the school.
    “It’s the governor and the Pearls,” Ms. Benson said. “They haven’t come to arrest anyone. They’ve come to dedicate the school’s new library.”
    Danny fell back on his chair. He looked up at the ceiling and sighed. “I thought I was a goner.”
    The other children in Ms. Benson’s class rushed to the windows. They watched as the police officers got off their motorcycles and opened the door of the first black car. Two men and two women, each wearing a black jacket and black pants, and each holding a walkie-talkie, got out.
    “They’re Secret Service agents,” Ms. Benson said.
    The two men were tall. One was bald. The other had short dark hair and a mustache. The women were tall, too. One had long blonde hair. The other woman had dark hair.
    The agents looked around.
    The blonde woman tapped her hand on

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