Unbound Pursuit

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Book: Unbound Pursuit by Lindsay McKenna Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lindsay McKenna
Tags: Romance, Military
He buttonholed Wyatt.
    “I think you’re right, Wyatt. Mark came in to warn us about a big drug-smuggling effort that’s going down two nights from now. He’s going to be bringing that convoy across the northeastern corner of our ranch. Is that what you think? You were in the military longer than me, but I was Marine Force Recon. And this smells of a big drug operation going down.”
    Cat looked over at Jake. “I think you’re right.” She looked at her parents, the hardness still in her tone.
    “Why?” Hank growled. “He’s been across our property a number of times already and never warned us before.”
    “Two days from now is Saturday,” Wyatt said quietly, looking around the table at them. He folded his hands, resting his chin on them. “I think he’s worried Mattie or someone in our family, or one of our wranglers, might be in the area where that convoy’s headed. He doesn’t want her or anyone else in the cartel’s gun sights.”
    Tal drew in a deep breath and added, “Look, through Artemis Security, Wyatt and I are hooked up with every known law enforcement agency from the county and state and to the federal level and beyond. I was there this afternoon when Mark suddenly showed up.” She opened her hands. “The look on his face just before he left? I’d swear to God the man is still in love with Mattie. I saw it in his eyes, heard it in his voice and in the way he spoke.” She shook her head. “But I don’t understand what that means, either. Mattie hasn’t seen him for four months. Why now? Why this convoy? Because he’s clearly taken drugs across your ranch before this.”
    Jake grimaced. “I can’t speak to that, Tal, but if whatever is going down is as big as I think it is, the cartel is going to have a lot at stake. There are going to be a lot of soldiers with weapons guarding that convoy. They will shoot first and won’t bother asking questions later.”
    Hank let out a sigh, giving his wife a worried look. “I agree with all of you. I think whatever is coming through is important, worth killing for if they see anyone other than their own men in that area.” His brows fell. “And as much as I don’t like the years of sufferin’ Mark has put Mattie through, I think he did this to protect her. Protect all of us.”
    “I do, too,” Wyatt added softly. “Because this is going down on Saturday. And you remember how Mattie, Sage, Mark, and I used to go horseback riding on Saturdays through that area and up to the Guadalupe Mountains? We’d be out riding all day and have a picnic basket lunch. Mattie would always take her camera. We’d be gone until dusk every Saturday when the weather was good.”
    Hank scowled. “That’s right . . .”
    Daisy looked to Tal. “Wyatt’s said that you’re really good at sizin’ up people. What was your impression of Mark today?”
    “Tense, on guard, military grade, smart, efficient, and he didn’t trust me at all because he sensed I was a threat to him.”
    “Mark was Force Recon like me, for four years,” Jake said. “He served in Afghanistan, just like I did. He’s got four combat tours under his belt. I wasn’t in his regiment, but he made a name for himself over there. He was well thought of by everyone.”
    Tal nodded and turned to Wyatt. “We ought to be looking at his military jacket more closely.”
    “We will,” Wyatt promised her grimly.
    “What else?” Daisy prodded. “Did he look angry at Mattie?”
    “No, not at all. When he spoke to her at first, he was tough and no-nonsense. His eyes were hard. He was really on guard, as if we had guns on us, but we didn’t.”
    “Probably shielding himself from Mattie’s anger,” Wyatt guessed.
    “I’m sure. But that changed,” Tal told them.
    “How?” Daisy asked.
    “Mark started to leave, but he stopped himself, as if he didn’t want to leave her. He turned and looked directly at Mattie, holding her gaze. His voice changed, his eyes softened, and his voice grew

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