The Black Corleones (The Beginning)

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Book: The Black Corleones (The Beginning) by Bella Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bella Jones
in the game at this point. So how did you pas s pops test, he usually gives two weeks to come back with the paper work?” Ace asked Samir
    “Well, I already gave pops his paperwork , bro. It took us three days.”
    “You got to be shitting ; three days little bro? It took me a week and you mean to tell me you got it back to him in three days. I’m fucking impressed.” Sin added. He was excited.
    “Yea h, that shits impressive, but Sincere, let’s be realistic here, this is our little fucking brother. He’s only fifteen and he aint ready for this fucking game, bro.  He just aint ready.” Ace snapped.
    “He may be only fifteen, bro, but the boy already in the game. I don’t like this shit either, but what we gone do about? Nothing, because it aint shit we can do about it. We were the same age when we started,” Sin scolded his younger brother.
    “Wait , why y’all talking like I aint sitting here. Listen, Ace, I can handle this, bro. My crew is equipped and I got the heart to do it because I was taught by the best. You were my life teacher; you equipped me with the tools I need to do this, bro. When I was watching you and Sin, it motivated me to build a name out here and to come out the shadows of my big brother’s, Sin and Ace. I got this my nigga. Just trust me and give me y’all blessing. I can’t do this shit until I know y’all okay with me doing it.” Samir pleaded.
    “Listen , Samir. I don’t want you to do this shit but you already in it now, so it ain’t no turning back. So, what I’m about to tell you, you take with you and keep at the forefront of your fucking mind. Rule one; these streets don’t love you, so you don’t love that shit back. You don’t front nobody unless they already got a reputation in the hood and when and if you do front anybody, give them thirty days and stay firm. If they don’t give you your bread, you make an example out of them. Rule two; never lay where you play, my nigga. Don’t even hang out in the same neighborhood, never Samir. Don’t ever let niggas get too comfortable with your routine. Because the moment they know your routine; they’ll know exactly how to set you up. ” Ace warned.
    “Yea h my nigga, and rule three; watch those close to you, closer than you do your enemies because they swill fuck you much quicker than your enemies. Rule four; show love to everybody that can pay for what you’re offering. Don’t let that gang shit interfere with your business, and rule five... the most important rule; run your shit like a CEO. Know where everything is, everything is going, and know what’s coming in. Samir, make sure this shit has structure, real structure . My set aint no joke and them Roseland niggas will try to test you every chance they get. As far as fronting go, you make sure a nigga buy at least four before you front them anything. Remember this shit lil’ nigga; we will have our ears to them streets.” Sin added.
    “So , does this mean y’all cool with me doing this, because I’m taking over tomorrow?
    Sin and Ace looked at each other and although Sin could see in Ace’s eyes that he didn’t want to give the ok ay, he gave his younger brother the head nod. With this confirmation Sin and Ace gave their baby brother their blessing to his induction into the game. They knew eventually they would be having this conversation with Samir, but they both wished they were able to do it on the streets. They wanted to groom him in the game by showing him the way, themselves. Now, with them being in jail, their baby brother had to hit the game blind. They conversed a few more minutes and before they knew it their visitation was up.
    “ Yo, Samir, keep your head up, bro, and remember what we told you. And, although we didn’t say it… I’m proud of you, bro… really. You did a lot in such a short time. I know you gone kill the game,” Sin said, shaking his brother’s hand and giving him the confidence he needed.
    “Yea h, Sam… I’m proud

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