The Black Corleones (The Beginning)

Free The Black Corleones (The Beginning) by Bella Jones

Book: The Black Corleones (The Beginning) by Bella Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bella Jones
officer had a dumbfounded look on his face. Samir knew exactly what the officer was insinuating, and although a week from now he would be guessing right, today was just not the day to make such a remark.
    He grabbed his belongings, laced up his sneakers and headed over to the counter to put his name on the log sheet to visit his brothers.
    “Who are you here to see?” the female officer behind the counter asked.
    “Yes , ma’am… I’m here to see Sincere and Ace Kendall. They’re my brothers.” Samir responded.
    “Ok ay, do you have your ID with you?”
    “Yes ma'am, I do ,” Samir said, as he handed his ID to the officer.”
    “O kay, Samir Kendall, please read over this statement and sign at the bottom stating that you understand and will abide by the rules of the Jail while you are inside the visitation room. I’ll put you in the system. Once you read and sign it, I need you to take your right thumb and place it on the pad and then in the box where it says thumb print.”
    Once Samir was done with the paper work, the officer handed him a sticker to wear on his shirt during the remainder of his visit. She directed him to his next destination , where he was led into a large visiting room. He was told to have a seat.
    Samir began to feel the nervousness growing as he sat at the table watching the other inmates visit with their loved ones. Just as he was getting lost in his thoughts and anxious, he saw his brothers walking toward his table. He wasn’t used to seeing his brothers dressed the way they were. The county jumpsuits they sported made Samir realize the reality of the situation. As they walked closer to him, his immediate reaction was to jump up and hug each one of them, but he remembered ‘the no touching’ rule posted all over the entry to the visitation room. So, when his bothers approached him, he greeted each one of them with a hand shake.
    “Damn little bro, why you all dressed up nigga, you got a funeral to go to later or some shit ?” Sin teased
    “Leave the nigga alone Sin . He got all dressed up to come show us he finally learned how to dress,” Ace returned the jokes.
    “Yea h, yeah, yeah; you niggas been locked up for a few days and all of a sudden y’all turned into comedians; besides, this ashy blue aint neither one of y’alls color.”
    “Samir , seriously bro, I’m really happy to see you,” Sin said.
    “I’m happy to see y ’all too bro. Momma told me to tell y’all that she loves y’all and to keep y’all head up,” he tried to remember. “Oh, and that she praying for y’all.”
    “Lil ’ bro, tell that lady not to stress so much, because I know she is. Let her know that we’re okay.” Ace commanded.
    “So , what’s up Samir, what’s been up with you lately, how’s school?” Sin asked.
    “Man , school is boring as fuck and I can’t wait for that shit to be over. I’m good, but I came down here because I needed to talk to y’all about something.”
    “Oh yea, what’s that , Sam?” Ace questioned.
    “I needed to let y ’all know what’s been going on since pops found out about y’alls indictment. First, he put Keith in charge of your company, Ace, and he had to contemplate who would take over for Sin. So, basically I propositioned pops for the position,” Samir explained. His palms were sweaty and his heart was in the pit of his stomach. He was nervous of his brother’s reaction. He knew from their facial expressions that they were not happy about his decision. Samir continued to tell his brothers what he had been up to for the last few days since he learned of their situation. He explained to them that he had already passed their father’s test and was set to take over his brother’s sets the following day. When he finished speaking, his brothers sat in silence for what seemed like an eternity. “So, neither one of y’all got shit to say?” Samir broke the silence that settled.
    “I don’t know what the fuck you want us to say, you already

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