By Summer's End (Christian Fiction)

Free By Summer's End (Christian Fiction) by Rosemarie Naramore

Book: By Summer's End (Christian Fiction) by Rosemarie Naramore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rosemarie Naramore
single acre of it.  He feared that developers would come in and ravage
it, leaving urban blight where natural beauty had once prevailed.
    “Thanks so much for transporting the
desk for us,” Holly said.  “I think the three of us should be able to get it inside
fairly easily.”
    Ryan turned toward her.  He gave himself
a shake.  The woman was watching him curiously.
    “Are … you all right?” she asked.  “It’s
really warm today.  Maybe you’re overheated.  Can I get you a glass of water?”
    “I’m fine,” he assured her, forcing a
smile.  He couldn’t help staring into her face.  Who was she?  Why was she
living here?  He couldn’t deny she was a beautiful woman.  Gorgeous green eyes,
hair the color of wheat, full lips… 
    He shook his head to clear it.  She was
going to think he was some kind of a nut.  But who was she?
    Wait.  He suddenly remembered that Ben
had mentioned leaving the manufactured home to a great niece.  He had seemed to
hold the girl in high regard, though Ryan couldn’t recall why.  Ben had
mentioned something about meeting her once, and that she…
    What?  He racked his brain.  He just
couldn’t remember.
    “Ryan…?” she said softly.  “Is
everything … okay?”
    “Uh, yeah.  Fine.  Everything’s great. 
Let’s get that desk inside and I would appreciate that glass of water.”
    Between the three of them, they managed
to lug it to the front porch.  “Actually, may we put it down here?” Holly
asked.  “That way, Brianna and I will be able to work on it out of doors. 
We’ll carry it in when we’re done.”
    “It’s heavy.  Call me and I’ll help you
carry it inside.”  He dug around in his jean pocket and pulled out a business
card.  He passed it to Holly.
    She put it in her short’s pocket without
looking at it first.  “That’s really kind of you,” she said.  “But I’m sure
we’ll manage.  Come on in and I’ll get you that water.”
    Inside, Ryan glanced around.  His heart
gave a tug being back here.  He’d spent countless hours here, visiting with
Ben.  The old man had been a friend of his father’s for years.  The two had
grown up together in the area.  When Ben had hit on hard times as a younger
man, Ryan’s father had urged him to move into a small home that had once been
situated exactly where the manufactured home was today.
    When the original home—over a hundred
years old and barely standing—had finally been deemed uninhabitable seven years
before, Ben had purchased the manufactured home, with the understanding it
would be removed from the property when he passed. 
    Ryan’s father had passed away long
before Ben.  He’d had his children later in life and could have been their
grandfather.  Sadly, his wife, though many years younger, had died when Ryan
was seven and his sister five. 
    Ryan had learned early that loss is a
part of life.  He’d learned to both accept it and to move on.  It’s likely why
he was seriously considering selling the land…
    “Like I said before, we’ve only lived
here six weeks,” Brianna told Ryan.  The teenager had encouraged him to take
the single chair in the great room, while she had sat down on the floor near him.
    He felt awkward sitting in the only
chair in the room.  He suddenly wondered what had become of the few items with
which Ben had furnished the home.
    “We found that chair at a second-hand
store,” Brianna informed.  “We’re going to reupholster it when we can afford
to.  Well, Holly is going to reupholster it, since I don’t know how.  But she’s
going to teach me.”
    He nodded.  “It’s a comfortable chair.”
    “It is.  We could use a few more, of
course, but we’ll get them eventually.”  She brightened.  “It’s great you helped
us with the desk.  I’ll be starting school in September and I’ll need one.” 
She furrowed her brow.  “Wow, I could really use my laptop too…”
    “Where’s your laptop,” he asked

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