Shelter Me Home

Free Shelter Me Home by T. S. Joyce

Book: Shelter Me Home by T. S. Joyce Read Free Book Online
Authors: T. S. Joyce
Tags: Romance, Adult, Erotic Romance Fiction
had an intimate relationship. The only benefit we got from each other was friendship. The biggest problem with what you’re going through is that you are taking it upon yourself to provide for me, but you’re failing to give me any credit. You haven’t had to do as much around her lately, right?”
    Inhaling a steadying breath, he nodded.
    “Okay, that’s because I’m helping. We’re a team, not a family. You aren’t responsible for me or my baby. If you feel pressure to hunt, fine. Take me with you. Let me help or teach me how to do it on my own. I would’ve gone with you this morning if you would’ve let me.”
    Hands resting on hips, he cocked his head. “You would’ve?”
    “Yes. I’m from here, remember? I have experience with Alaskan winters, and trust me when I say, I’ve gone hungry. I don’t want to do that ever again. And I don’t want to take your food, Aanon. Tell me what to do, and I’ll learn it. I’ll do it.”
    “We’re a team,” he said, more statement than question.
    “Yes, and I can tell you what doesn’t work in a friendship. Ignoring a problem and letting it fester when we could just talk and sort it out. This morning? You tore out of here, pissed off at me for something I had no guess at, and you didn’t even tell me where you’d be hunting. If you didn’t come back tonight, I wouldn’t even have a clue where to send a search team. There is a difference between having to answer to someone and thinking about safety.”
    He worried a dark spot on the wooden floors with the toe of his boot and looked up with an irritating grin. “You were worried about me.”
    “Yeah, you idiot. You went hunting freaking bears.”
    “Yeah, but it was black bear, not brown bear.”
    “All I hear is bear.” Standing, she wiped the seat of her pants until the dust had rattled loose. “Congratulations on a successful hunt. I’m going to go wash the smell of beer and desperation off of me and go to bed.”
    “Desperation?” he called. “Was Ben at Briney’s tonight?”
    “Yep. I told him I’d go out with him for coffee tomorrow if he swore to back off with the Dweeb apologies.”
    “Wait. You’re going out with him?”
    “For coffee in the middle of the day. I’m not exactly getting laid, Falk.” Over her shoulder she said, “Friends can say that kind of stuff by the way,” and shut her door behind her.
    Something crashed in the barn, but when she looked out the window, Aanon was walking back to the big house like nothing was amiss.
    It took an act of congress to get the water heated up to wash dishes. There were a few things that living off the grid made irritating, and generators and tiny hot water heaters were one of them.
    And when the water did turn hot, it was like instant lava. “Ow,” Aanon hissed, shaking his fingers to cool them.
    Setting his plate in the suds, he looked up and froze.
    Farrah had fastened fabric in front of the windows to shield her bath. The fabric, however, wasn’t nearly thick enough. A perfect silhouette danced across the large front windows.
    Dammit, this was the part where he was supposed to be honorable and look away. Avert his eyes or turn around or bury his face in a pillow, or for God’s sake, take the truck into town and drown the beautiful image assaulting his eyes with cheap whiskey. But no. He sat there staring like some middle school peeping tom.
    Petit and slim, the outline of perfect perky breasts bobbed as she tested the warmth of the water in the tub. The curve of her back was enough to make him want to bite and kiss every square inch of her flesh. Adjusting the discomfort that pressed against the seam of his pants, he leaned forward and squeezed his eyes closed. What was he doing?
    She was his friend. “Teammate, teammate, teammate,” he chanted as he waited for the strain of his arousal to go down. It didn’t help. It had been so long since a woman had affected him so thoroughly.
    Turning his back to the window, he gripped

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