Deadly Dosage

Free Deadly Dosage by Cheryl Richards

Book: Deadly Dosage by Cheryl Richards Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheryl Richards
billed too much. That one would require further research.
Chances were my figures were accurate and they just didn’t want to pay. 
    Time was ticking away and I
knew I needed the census done in the next hour. I took yesterday’s census form
and started my rounds. I zipped through the Alzheimer’s wing first, leaving the
Medicare wing for last. It seemed everyone was in the hospital lately. There
seemed to be a direct correlation between the increase in agency nurse staff on
third shift and the number of hospital admits. I couldn’t prove it, but it was
there just the same.

    In the Medicare wing, Betty assisted Mr. Schmitt down
the hallway. Mr. Schmitt came in a few days ago and his attitude was inspiring.
A cute, gray haired, little German man of eighty, he stood not much taller than
Betty’s 5’0”. He smiled at me and I gave him a thumbs up. His family adored
him, and his grandchildren covered his door with crayon pictures of the family
dog and cat. In no time, he would make a full recovery and return home.
    No room changes to note. I
stopped in to say hi to Mr. Harper. I was hesitant about relaying any
information about my upcoming date with his son.
    “Sunny,” he said all smiles,
“nice to see you.” He gestured for me to sit down in the chair next to his bed.
Mr. Schroeder was sleeping soundly three feet away.
    “How’s it going? Looks like
you’ll be leaving here soon.”
    “That’s what they tell me.
It’ll be good to get home.”
    “I’ll bet your wife will be
    “Just between you and me, I
think she’s enjoyed having the house to herself. I snore something terrible.”
He snickered, followed by a cough.
    “Maybe so, but I’m sure she
misses you. Is your son coming tonight?” A little fishing never hurt.
    “Lloyd? Nope. He’s busy
    Baiting a little more, I
added, “Working overtime?”
    “Think he’s got big plans for
tonight,” he yawned and stretched his arms over his head.
    I felt my heart snap in two.
“You look like you could use a nap,” I said. I needed an excuse to leave.
    He nodded towards his
roommate. “He’s better since his trip to the hospital.” He lowered his voice,
“Are you checking into his situation?”
    “Secretly,” I confessed.
    “Good girl,” he said
reclining. He closed his eyes.
    Instead of returning to my
office, I turned right and headed for the vending machine. I needed a diet soda
to cool down. I was smoldering, just imagining Lloyd and his big date. Bet it
was that hussy I saw him with. Exactly when did he plan to call me tonight? I
guess if he didn’t care enough to see his own dad, what chance did I have. No
better than Sam. Of course, my feelings might be a tad irrational. I mean, I
just met the guy and for all I knew, he was engaged. Right now, I had to forget
Lloyd and get back to work before I was fired.
    On my return, I bumped into
Donna. “Hey, got a minute?”
    “Sure,” she said and followed
me into my crummy office. She sat down on the chair stained with I don’t know
what, and I closed the door behind me, checking first for anyone milling around.
Her eyes narrowed. “What’s up?” she said softly, “Are you quitting or
    “In my dreams,” I retorted.
“Have you ever met Lloyd Harper?”
    “Can’t say that I have. I met
Eugene and his wife Helen. Friendly people. Why?” Her expression was so serious
I almost laughed.
    “Nothing bad, in fact it’s
good. At least it was good.” 
    “What are you yammering
about?” she said impatiently, “Spill it!”
    “I have a date with him,
Lloyd, this Friday night. Hockey game.” I blew out a sigh.
    “That’s good, great! What’s
the problem?”
    I summarized the events
leading up to our little parking lot adventure including details of the bimbo
from the restaurant. She gave it some thought before answering. While I waited,
I pulled out my census forms and started filling in figures from the

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