The Consequence of Secrets - Part Four: A Priest Romance

Free The Consequence of Secrets - Part Four: A Priest Romance by Eve Cates

Book: The Consequence of Secrets - Part Four: A Priest Romance by Eve Cates Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eve Cates
run my hand over her hair, tucking it behind her ear before I kiss her on the forehead. “You are so amazing to me,” I whisper. “Thank you for giving me a daughter. Thank you for giving me back my life. I never thought I could be this happy. I thought I’d forever be paying for the sins of my youth. You’ve given me so much.”
    She tilts her head up and I press my lips to hers, sucking gently, inhaling her unique scent that tells me I’m home. “What about what you’ve given me? I never thought I’d feel the way you’ve made me feel. I never thought I’d wake up every day, wanting to live as much as I do. I never thought I’d feel loved, and I never thought I’d be willingly wanting a baby and be overjoyed when it was a little girl. I know no fear with you, Braden. Your love has given me the strength to live my life and find the happiness in every moment. There are no more pits of despair, no more darkness. All I see is light and love, and I’m tired so I’m ranting. But, you need to understand that I love you so very much. You’ve given me the world.”
    “I love you too,” I whisper, pressing my lips against hers again. “Now, how about I take our little princess so you can get some rest. You’ve had a huge day.”
    Sliding my hands beneath Sophie’s little body, I take her from Emma and stand to hold her, looking down into her precious face and her little hand that keeps escaping the muslin wrap. Naturally, I begin to sway, rocking her with my body as I watch her peacefully snuffle in her sleep. I run my finger over her little hand, and her fingers flex then curl around my index finger tightly. I grin. “She’s so strong,” I muse, glancing up at Emma. Although, she’s already fast asleep, and I can’t help but feel a surge of love for her. “I think you tired your mommy out,” I whisper to Sophie, walking her over to the window where I look out over the hospital grounds.
    The afternoon sun lights up the scenery, making everything feel vibrant and alive. “You’re going to have such a wonderful life, sweet girl,” I say, leaning down to press a soft kiss on her forehead. The baby opens her eyes and yawns, looking right at me as if she’s listening to what I’m saying, and in the light of the window, I swear I see multicolored flecks in her eyes. Stained glass. “You’re absolutely perfect,” I whisper. “Just like your mom.”

    End of series.
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