Deborah Hockney
they were free to sit where they liked. Jocasta could see Nikki at a table close by, but as she seemed to be in animated conversation with her companion, she cast her eyes around for David. She spotted him quickly, at a half empty table with Felipe, and so hastily made her way towards it before anyone else could occupy the vacant chairs.
    ‘Hi David, hello Felipe, she nodded towards the French boy, before turning her attention fully on David. ‘Hey, you sure look smart in your uniform,’ she remarked to her friend, who pulled a squeamish face in reply.
    ‘Well, I really quite like them,’ she continued, straightening the front of her tunic as she sat down. She also self-consciously touched her identity ring, wondering when the time would come to remove it. She was surprised she hadn’t already been informed by one of the Elite Officers that she wasn’t allowed to wear it hooked through her nose. ‘What colour is your braid, exactly?’ she asked David. ‘I can’t quite make it out. Is it red or orange?’ She peered at his arm, trying to decide.
    ‘A mixture, I think, a kind of… orangey red,’ David replied, with a hint of amusement in his voice.
    ‘Apparently we’re in the fire section,’ Felipe interjected, ‘but I don’t think we’ll be fighting any flames.’ His attempt at a joke fell on deaf ears.
    ‘No,’ said Jocasta, hesitantly. ‘I think it’s more to do with our talents.’
    She looked directly at David as she spoke, her eyes widening in questioning mode as she studied his face for any clue that he might know what she was talking about. Even so, his reply came as a bit of a shock.
    ‘I think you might be on the right track, there, Jocasta, but…’ He glanced around, almost furtively, making sure that no-one was close enough to overhear their conversation. Evidently, everyone else was more interested in their more immediate dietary needs, tucking into plates of food; with most of them transfixed by the latest ‘Venus Rising’ movie which was beamed directly to the large plasma screen which completely filled one side of the room.
    ‘We’re not supposed to talk about them on Earth,’ he whispered fervently. ‘You could get us into trouble, if we’re caught.’
    Jocasta was much too upset to worry about getting into trouble.
    ‘So you do know about these talents, gifts, handicaps, whatever they are. Why didn’t you tell me?’ she questioned him, her voice becoming louder with every syllable. ‘I thought we were friends!’
    ‘For heaven’s sake, Jocasta, calm down, won’t you? Of course we’re friends… but… but I wasn’t sure how you’d react, if you knew… about me.’ David fingered his glasses thoughtfully.
    ‘Knew about you. What do you mean? Do you know what your talent is then? Because I’ve no idea what I’m doing here, and how about you Felipe- what about yours?’
    She strongly resisted the urge to make a sarcastic remark about train spotting.
    Felipe began to shift uncomfortably in his chair, and it was then that Jocasta registered that he was wearing glasses as well. Rather large glasses they were too.
    The penny dropped.
    ‘It’s something to do with your glasses, isn’t it?’ she exclaimed triumphantly. ‘I’m right aren’t I?’
    ‘Keep your voice down, Casta!’ David hissed, doing his best to remain clam but looking, Jocasta noticed, decidedly uncomfortable. ‘Do you want to be responsible for the whole room finding out? But yes,’ he conceded. ‘You are right, Felipe and I can see… um… see into…’ He hesitated. ‘Promise me you’ll keep it to yourself and won’t faint or do anything stupid.’
    ‘Faint, faint, I’ve never fainted in my life!’ Jocasta was becoming increasingly agitated, but noticing that David was deadly serious she thought she better comply.
    ‘Yes David, I promise I won’t do anything stupid and I’m really sorry for getting so… so stressed. It’s just that this has come as a bit of a shock to me.’ She

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