Blood Oath (#3, Mystic Wolves)
time mindful of my body. I watched him strike out
again, and even though he moved me backward, I was able to regain
my stability and footing quickly.
    “You learn fast, young grasshopper.” He
smirked before returning to teacher mode. “Now, can you guess why
it might be helpful to stand like this?” He moved his body to match
mine, legs firmly apart. I studied him for a moment before shaking
my head. A few answers filtered through my mind, but I didn’t know
if I was right.
    “What does this tell your opponent?” He
raised both his fists, an expression of concentrated focus on his
face. He appeared every bit the warrior, and I was glad for his
help. Looking him over, I suddenly realized the point.
    “It tells them you’re ready to defend
yourself,” I replied as it suddenly seemed obvious to me as he
stood there. “You can see every move they’ll make and be prepared.”
His wide grin told me I was right.
    “Exactly. Come stand in front of me—right
there.” He gestured to the open space before him. “Now go slowly,
and watch how I move. Throw a punch.”
    Without hesitation, I let my hand fly and he
deflected it away with a frontward block of his wrist. It seemed
effortless and as he stepped in close, I noticed I was now free to
be attacked. A slight jab to my ribs illustrated that fact.
    “See how it opened you up? Try again,” he
    I threw another punch, this time coming from
a different angle. His block also changed, but the results still
the same. I was thrown off balance, exposed enough for him to
strike again.
    “Now instead of punching, come at me like you
are going to grab me.”
    I went to move and came in contact with his
leg. Whether it was the front or back, foot or knee, I repeatedly
tried to seize him as I met with resistance.
    “Now I need you to promise me —swear to
me—the move I’m about to show you, you will never use on me ... no
matter how much you might be tempted.” There was a twinkle in his
eye which made me curious so I quickly agreed. “Chances are those
who’ll try to assault you will be men, and even though they’ll far
outweigh you, and perhaps even be stronger, you do hold a few
    I instantly started grinning because I knew
where he was going with this. The way he cupped himself was also an
indication he was aware I understood.
    “I already know I can knee a guy in the
balls, Daniel. Hit them hard enough and it makes them fall to their
knees, whimpering like a baby. Want me to show you?” I smiled
    His face whitened before he shook his finger
at me in warning. Making sure he was out of reach, he continued.
“Don’t be afraid to use it if you need to. It does require you to
get in close, or at least have decent aim, but you need to make
sure you hit hard. Put all your weight and force behind the blow.
You want to knock them out of commission long enough for you to get
    “Okay, full weight … powerful hit.” I started
raising my knee, pretending I was facing an attacker and I couldn’t
help imagining Avery every time I made a strike. I held the
perverse need to show him this exact move up close and personal.
“What else you got?” I wiped away the sweat on my forehead with the
back of my wrist, ready for more.
    “Another thing you can do is this.” Grabbing
hold of my hand, he moved it in a forty-five degree angle, palm
open and fingers slightly curved. Tapping the meaty heel, Daniel
continued. “Use this part here and aim straight for the person’s
face.” Demonstrating his own, he showed the motion I would need to
follow and what I would need to target. “Hit them in the nose with
the intent of breaking it. You’ll cause their eyes to water, blood
to flow, as well as a crap load of pain. Everything I’m showing you
is designed to give you time to escape. I don’t want you engaging
them in combat.”
    Moving my hand back and forth, helping me get
used to the flow of movement, he released me, and I was able

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