Blood Oath (#3, Mystic Wolves)
meet again to discuss and
come up with an effective strategy. Each had a task to perform—all
but me.
    “What would you have me do, Mason?” I looked
up expectantly. I knew there wasn’t much I was able to do, but I
wanted to be useful. Not just as his future mate, but as a member
of the pack.
    I was taken aback when he growled at me. “You
can stay in your room, with guards at your door and window until I
deem it’s safe for you to leave.”
    I snorted, shaking my head slightly. “I
understand your concern. Really I do, but keeping me a prisoner
isn’t going to solve this, and I honestly don’t think Avery is
going to return for me. He’s delivered his message, I’ve served my
purpose. He’ll be waiting for your response now. Let me help.” I
reached out to touch him, my hand resting gently on his arm. “I’m
safe. We didn’t know what we were facing and now we do. It’ll be
    He shook his head. “I thought you were safe
before, Darcy. Here in our home and on pack land. No one should’ve
been able to get to you, but he did. I know you don’t think so, but
I can’t think if I don’t know every precaution has been taken.”
    “I agree with being careful. I don’t ever
want to be taken from you again, but please don’t turn me into
another hostage. If it gives you peace of mind, assign someone to
stay with me when you can’t. Just let me move around if I want.
Don’t put me in a gilded cage.” I added an extra layer of pleading
to my voice. I needed to reach him.
    “Fine, just no leaving the property. I don’t
mean to be insensitive, I just want you safe. I need to know I can
find you whenever I want to be able to touch and see you. Avery may
have a death wish coming after me, but he knows enough to recognize
you as my Achilles heel. I refuse to lose you.”
    He pulled me into another embrace, this one
much gentler than the last. I could feel his heartbeat pounding
inside his chest, adrenaline causing his body to prepare itself.
There would be no relaxing or lazing about together until this was
over. I stretched upward to place a kiss on his lips, hoping he’d
take the bait and give in to a few moments of savoring each other,
but he offered back a perfunctory peck before releasing me.
    “Stay in your room until I can find someone.
It shouldn’t take long, and then you’re free to roam. I also want
you checking in with me every hour on the hour. No texting. I want
to hear your voice.”
    I tried hard not to roll my eyes at what I
saw as overkill, and nodded. He left without touching me, his mind
elsewhere, and I let a sigh as I looked around my room. What was I
possibly going to do while I waited?
    Remembering the romance novel I only read
half way through, I flopped myself on my bed and got comfortable.
Finding the place my book mark was protecting, I willed myself to
focus on the story and the happily ever after the hero and heroine
were desperate for.
    I just hoped I still had one of my own.

Chapter Five
    A sharp knock was all the notice I got before
Daniel poked his head though the door, asking if it was safe to
enter. Despite my doubts, the hour had flown by quickly and I was
grateful the book had held my attention so completely. Having
already called Mason, I was eager to get out of the room so I
quickly placed the book mark and returned the novel to my bedside
    “Of course, it’s safe to enter. What were you
expecting? World War 3 or something?” I laughed at the look of
surprise on his face as he glanced around my room.
    “I was at least expecting a few broken
things. You know, from throwing them at that stubborn alpha of ours
after he laid down the law.” Obviously not finding what he was
hoping, he looked back at me, shaking his head. “Now, now Darcy,
where is your female indignation from being ordered about? Tell me
there were at least tears? Threats? Pouting?”
    “You’re a dork!” I laughed, punching him in
the arm. He flinched, rubbing the spot,

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