The Whispers of the Fallen

Free The Whispers of the Fallen by J. D. Netto

Book: The Whispers of the Fallen by J. D. Netto Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. D. Netto
Tags: Fantasy
the wind, slowly fading away. A loud explosion echoed and I was sucked back to Justicia.
    I was shocked when I saw the magnificent castle set aflame. The beautiful columns were all destroyed by the fire, the garden polluted by the smoke. The roars of the Aquilas were loud and ferocious. Behind me I saw Devin, Adawnas and Demetre.
    “We are out!” I yelled. “We made it.”
    “How did we…what happened?” Devin asked as he composed himself. Adawnas wiped away her tears.
    “Isaac!” a hollow voice echoed in the atmosphere. I glanced over my shoulder and recognized Athalas and the other Council members stationed at the entrance to the castle. Devin clasped my arm and immediately we were on our feet, running as fast as we could. They transmitted guttural sounds as their bodies vanished into shadows. They were acting more like animals now. The ghastly screeches sounded terrifying, like wolves howling at the moon.
    Ahead, we saw the mist that had brought us to Justicia. Without a moment’s hesitation we entered the mist. There was lightning inside, bright flashes that crossed from one place to another. It was as though the mist could sense something evil was coming. Shortly after we entered it, misshapen shadows appeared. They moved rapidly through the mist to the point where my eyes failed to keep up with them. I began to hear the same rattling sounds I had heard before.
    The mist darkened and the shadows became invisible. The only thing that hung in the air was the terrifying rattling sound.
    I felt branches from the trees brush against my face; we were back in the forest, back in the same place where Cyro had spared us. The moment we stepped foot outside of the mist, I felt pain strike my body. Not only did I feel it, but Adawnas and Devin fell flat on the ground, writhing in agony as well.
    “Insolent fools. Did you really think you could flee from us?” Athalas spoke. I looked at him and noticed how different he looked. He was clothed in shades of black and gray, bearing the symbol of a dark lion on his chest.
    I rolled on the ground in desperation. My body was afflicted from head to toe by his power. I was defenseless.
    “Beautiful thing, isn’t it? To see one like you being taken by one like me. You will not die tonight, but you will be taken to them—the ones that badly need you. You are just like your parents.”
    Athalas swiftly looked at Adawnas. His eyes were filled with rage. He stepped closer to her and slapped her across the face.
    “Insolent fool! You knew I did not intend to kill our guests. I just wanted to put them to sleep so the Dark One could have his way with them!”
    I heard footsteps approaching.
    “Ah! My friends have arrived.” Athalas stood to his feet and laughed. “It really is pitiful to know that this is how it all will end, isn’t it?”
    “ Shadows ,” Devin whispered; his body lay pinned to the ground.
    “Yes—all wanting to devour you . Honestly, the only thing standing between you and death right now is me.”
    After he spoke, the Shadows let out a series of screeches. Some were high pitched, others low, but they were all ghoulish.
    “I am pretty sure you know the reason why I am here,” Athalas said as he let out a laugh.
    “I am not giving him to you, Atha—” Devin protested, but before he could finish, one of the Shadows attacked him with a bite on the neck. Another one swiftly arrived and stole Demetre’s body away.
    “Before you finish that sentence, I would carefully consider your words. If you want, you can freely and willingly come with me,” Athalas spoke as he walked toward me. “I promise you won’t come to any harm,” he said with a sneer.
    Hastily, Athalas retrieved his sword and swiftly cut a small incision on my chest. I was paralyzed with fear. The pain from the blade was excruciating. “I would consider the option, young one. You do not know what lies ahead.”
    “Your power is temporal, Athalas. You know it,” Adawnas spoke in a halting

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