Rise of the Phoenix (The Phoenix Trilogy Book 1)

Free Rise of the Phoenix (The Phoenix Trilogy Book 1) by M.R. Ferguson

Book: Rise of the Phoenix (The Phoenix Trilogy Book 1) by M.R. Ferguson Read Free Book Online
Authors: M.R. Ferguson
Tags: Rise of the Phoenix
fashioned washboard things,” he said helping her scrub soap into the clothes and rub them against the rocks.
    “Good thinking.”
    After the washing was done, Adam helped her out of the water. “Let’s let this stuff dry overnight. Come on, I have a makeshift bed set up.” He led her to another cavern.
    Phoenix smiled as she looked at the bed. “Makeshift? This is an entire mattress and sleeping bags.”
    “Don’t forget the pillows,” he replied pointing.
    “You’ve been down here for a while haven’t you?”
    “When the bombs first dropped I ran. Finding this place by accident turned out to be a blessing. Nobody else has found it.”
    “But you left it to find me?”
    “Yes.” He sat down on the mattress. “I dreamt of you. I saw your face and it’s like I had known you my entire life. I knew you would be the one to help me find my father.”
    Adam bent over and pulled back the double size sleeping bag and motioned for her to get in.
    As soon as he settled beside her she nestled her head against his chest. Wrapping his arm around her he sighed, then yawned.
    “You’re the one,” he whispered.
    “We need to go back to the village tomorrow so I can apologize,” she whispered rubbing his chest with her index finger.
    “Okay, I can take the hint.”
    “Adam, I feel it too and it scares the shit out of me. I’ve lost everyone and that means I will lose you too.”
    “Hey.” He moved away from her and propped himself up on his elbow. “I’m not going anywhere. Ex-rock star or not I know when an angel has landed in my lap.” He ran his index finger down her forehead and nose, and then kissed her. “Life starts now,” he whispered
    Tears flooded her eyes and she nodded, not able to reply.
    Adam smiled and changed the subject. “Let’s get a look at that miracle cure tomorrow.” He lay back and pulled her close.
    Phoenix grinned when he began snoring right away. He must be one of those people who fall asleep as soon as their head hits the pillow, she thought to herself. She was always one to lie there for a while before dreams would come.

    PHOENIX WOKE TO Adam caressing her face. Keeping her eyes closed, she groaned and stretched, and then her tummy rumbled. “We need to find food,” she said groggily.
    “I know the feeling. Want to hit McDonalds on our way to see Ben?” he laughed.
    “Very funny,” she replied sitting up.
    “I do miss those Egg McMuffins.”
    “Stop talking about food when I’m starving.” She hit him in the arm playfully.
    “Well, we didn’t get to trade our medical stash for canned food, so maybe Ben’s people will be willing to trade a little today,” Adam said hopefully.
    Phoenix slid into her stiff jeans and tank top. Her boots were also stiff and the leather protested as her feet slid inside. She dug through her bag until she found her small mirror and comb. She fixed her hair and smiled as she sprayed the hairspray she had stolen to style it.
    Adam got dressed and stuck his hands in the pool and wetting his hair and pulling it straight through his clinched hands to straighten it. His disheveled look was complete.
    “Okay, where do you pee? My bladder is going to explode,” Phoenix asked.
    “Come with me. I hope you can climb.”
    Her forehead crinkled “I can just go back out the entrance,” she said pointing over her shoulder.
    Adam took her hand, grabbed a lantern, and led her deeper into the cave. She followed as he took hold of rocks and pulled himself up through a tunnel. The climb was tough in some places with very little to hold on to and the opening stretched up half the length of a football field. A few times she really had to watch her grip because water was running over the rocks in a steady trickle. When they finally reached the top there was another passage in front of them.
    “This seems a bit excessive just to pee,” she said as she continued to follow.
    “There is more back here that I need to show you, but right over there is

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