
Free Injury by Val Tobin

Book: Injury by Val Tobin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Val Tobin
kissed her cheek. “The meeting went well. I think
they’ll lend me the money.”
    “Darling, I’m glad for your sake, but I wish you’d
reconsider and let us partner with you. We should work together as a family.”
    “I won’t have that discussion again, Mother. Where’s Ben?”
Cope had hoped his older brother would be around. Ben was a computer
information systems specialist, and Cope wanted his advice on technology for
his business.
    “A meeting. I never see anyone around here during the day.
You know Nate is part of the decision to lend you the money?”
    “Yes. He was there when I presented. I’m not worried. If
Star Power doesn’t lend me the money, I’ll find someone else. I’ve had meetings
with two other investors, and they both went well.”
    “The cocktail party on Saturday will be at eight. I want you
to bring a date.”
    “Sure.” Maybe he’d ask Dani. He wasn’t working for her
anymore, and if he had to bring a date, he’d like to bring her.
    “Katherine Bloomington is back from college, and I’ve always
thought it would be nice if the two of you got together.”
    “No, thanks, Mother.”
    “What’s wrong with Katherine? Are you seeing someone else?”
    Cope sat at the opposite end of the couch and considered
pouring himself that scotch. “I might be.”
    “Why haven’t you mentioned it or brought her over? Who is
    “I’m not sure it’s a thing yet. I’ve just started seeing
her.” Cope considered the lunch date at Genius their official first date, so it
counted as seeing each other. If he didn’t make sure his mother believed he was
with someone, she’d push him to date Katherine. That was something Margaret had
done before Katherine and Cope had gone off to college.
    “What’s her name?”
    “Let me ask her if she can come first, and then I’ll let you
know who she is.”
    Margaret pursed her lips and frowned. “Is she not from a
good family?”
    Cope sighed. Good family, to his mother, meant another
resident of billionaires’ row. He was sure Dani wouldn’t pass Margaret’s
pedigree test, but Cope didn’t care. Even if things didn’t work out between
them, he wanted to give it a shot and refused to let his mother spoil it.
    He glanced at the time: five-forty. Cope stood, picked up
his briefcase, and gave Margaret another peck on the cheek. “I’ll see you
Saturday, Mother. I’ve got to run.”
    “You just got here, Robert. Where are you going now?”
    “Dinner plans.” Before she could ask any more questions, he
raced out the door.

Chapter 12
    Dani hurried from the Star Power building and to the limo.
Guilt squeezed her when Mark opened the door for her. His days as her driver
were numbered. As soon as Cope’s company was up and running, she’d give her
business to him.
    Seated in the back of the car, Dani opened the bar, but
reached for the bottle of water instead of the alcohol without hesitation. Life
was too full and busy to dull it with alcohol.
    Dani’s cell phone buzzed. She checked the call display. A
text from Cope: Great meeting. Maybe too
optimistic, but let’s celebrate. My treat.
    Excited at the prospect of seeing him again so soon, Dani
texted back: Where would you like to
    Come to my place. I’ll
make dinner.
    Dani bit her lip, and a thrill ran through her belly. I’d love that. What’s your address?
    When Cope sent the information, Dani asked him to give her
two hours, and instructed Mark to take her home.
    Back in her apartment, after a quick shower, she considered
what to wear. Cope had become important to her—more than a friend, and she
wanted something classy yet sexy.
    A black sheath dress caught her eye. It would hug her figure
but wasn’t slutty. Dani paired it with black heels, two inches—lower than her
usual four-inch heels—she wanted comfort tonight. A platinum and diamond
sapphire bracelet and opal ring from her jewelry box accessorized the ensemble.
She dressed, fixed her hair, and did her makeup while

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