My Missing Puzzle Piece (Creekside Falls #1)

Free My Missing Puzzle Piece (Creekside Falls #1) by Kristin Hoepfl

Book: My Missing Puzzle Piece (Creekside Falls #1) by Kristin Hoepfl Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristin Hoepfl
love the homemade kind! I make it a lot since I love it and it’s just me so I always have leftovers, this one I made yesterday.”
    “It’s one of my favorites too; I wish I could cook well enough to make it.”
    “It’s not hard, I could show you if you want. It’s one of the first things I learned to make. I don’t know about you but I’m hungry.” She said and chuckled at herself then started to put macaroni on her plate and went to the microwave to heat it before putting fruit salad in a bowl. When her mac and cheese was heated and ready she said, “Are you gonna join me or am I gonna eat alone? Help yourself.”
    “Oh I’ll eat, you don’t have to guilt me into it,” he said with a huge smile that warmed her insides starting in her stomach and moving lower. He made himself a plate with a huge helping of macaroni and made himself at home by going to the microwave to heat up his food.
    When he was done, Elle said, “We can go in the family room and eat if you want.” She grabbed her plate and started walking, he noticed she hadn’t eaten yet, she must have been waiting for him, she was so sweet. He never would have thought those words would come out of his mouth about Elle, boy how things had changed in such a short time. He really liked where this was going.
    She sat down on the couch and folded her feet beneath her legs. She looked so comfortable he wasn’t sure whereto sit but decided to sit next to Elle on the couch. They both sat and ate quietly for a few minutes. When he was almost done with the macaroni, which was amazing. Elle said, “Thanks for tonight.” She wasn’t sure what she wasn’t doing, since she didn’t have a lot of experience with men but she was having a good time and figured she’d go with it and see what happened. He seemed to enjoying being with her, which made her feel better than she anticipated.
    He looked at her with a blank expression then said, “What are you thanking me for?”
    “I’m thanking you for everything tonight, including the ride back here and for coming in when it was already a little late, I know I’m holding you up, I guess I just wanted some company.”
    “Didn’t we go over this already; you don’t have to thank me. I don’t mind, you’re not holding me up, and I like spending time with you.” Trevor smiled and took another bite of mac and cheese. He looked around at her family room and saw her reflected back at him; there were two huge built-in bookshelves full of books, movies, CD’s and lots of pictures on either side of the TV. There was a fireplace near the window seat in the corner. He imagined her sitting there reading a book.
    “So, are you up for a movie? It’s only eleven. If not, I understand, maybe another time. Don’t worry I was thinking a comedy or action, no chick-flicks so you’re safe.” She said with a nervous laugh, she was rambling again.
    He laughed a deeply from his chest before saying, “I could go for a movie, and I’m awake enough. You pick.”
    She got up and went over to peruse through the movies then said with a devilish grin, “You must trust me to let me pick. Okay it’s gonna be…”she turned to the shelves and kept him waiting hopefully if she played her cards right he’d be a little nervous to boot.
    Elle turned back around before sitting beside him on the couch saying, “So sweet you were going to let me choose but you’re picking.”
    “Seriously?” Trevor asked.
    “Completely,” Elle told him as she patted him on his upper thigh.
    Trevor got up to look at the DVD’s she had, he was surprised but impressed to see she had a mix of chick-flicks, action and comedies. He grabbed a fairly classic movie that most people liked.
    “What about Die Hard ?” Trevor asked turning back to her.
    She let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding and said, “Okay that’s good. I haven’t seen that one in a while.”
    She went to the TV and loaded the movie. She turned back to him, “Want

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