
Free Meteor by Brad Knight

Book: Meteor by Brad Knight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brad Knight
times. Do not for any reason open it again without getting permission from me. As for the supplies, they are to be used for this family and this family only. If we kept on giving out supplies to neighbors and friends, we will be out within a month or less. I cannot allow that to happen.”
    Cordelia took her face out of the pillows and wiped her eyes. She immediately ran out of the room and up the stairs without saying a word to her father. He sat down and put his head in his hands. Then, he got up and returned to the bedroom and tried to get some more sleep.
    Troy got up before everyone else did later that morning and got more updates from the news. The situation had grown dire, especially in all of the major cities in the United States. Looting and rioting was at a fever pitch as marshal law was declared across the entire country. Several violent standoffs between angry mobs and the police took place. Many innocent people were robbed and murdered as gangs of thugs went through neighborhoods hunting for provisions.
    Troy thought again how lucky they were by comparison to all of the other people on the outside. The acid rain situation was even more serious than scientists originally thought. In many places, the rain was so toxic it could burn the flesh right off of someone if it made contact with their skin. Quickly, Troy switched off the television before any of the others had a chance to hear the bad news that got worse with each passing day.
    A few minutes later, Troy heard the sound of thunder as a storm approached the area. He couldn’t help but wonder just how acidic that rain that was going to fall would be. After a few minutes, a huge downpour was occurring. The roofs of many homes were damaged as the acidic rain began to dissolve the ordinary shingles that wouldn’t hold up to the sulfuric acid that was beating against them.
    Not too long after this, Troy was looking around with his periscope when he saw Cordelia’s boyfriend, Henry running in the direction of the house, trying to keep the rain off of him with an ordinary raincoat he had on. There were visible holes in the coat where the acid had begun to eat through. A few seconds later, he was at the door pleading to be let in.
    “Please, Mr. White, let me in! This rain really burns!” he yelled. There were now sores visible on his face and hands where the toxic rain was beginning to burn through his flesh.
    “I’m sorry, son, I can’t do that. You need to seek shelter elsewhere,” he said.
    Cordelia and Brandon came down the stairs, having heard the conversation that was taking place. Mary came up behind them.
    “Daddy, let him in, that’s Henry out there!” Cordelia yelled.
    “I can’t open the door, it’s too dangerous. The rain falling out there will burn the flesh right off of your body. I can’t risk it. Besides, the air has become too toxic to breathe with all of the debris in it. I’m sorry,” he shook his head.
    “NOOO!” Cordelia yelled out as she ran for the door. Brandon grabbed her with both hands around the waist and tried to restrain her.
    “Let go of me!” she screamed as she threw wild punches at her brother, hitting his face and neck.
    Mary ran up and stood between Cordelia and the door, blocking her exit. She tried desperately to get past her mother, but she would not allow Cordelia to pass.
    “I’m sorry dear, but your father is right,” Mary said, as she restrained her hysterical daughter. Cordelia continued to thrash about and kick with her legs.
    Henry’s screams were heard outside as the rain began to strip his flesh from his body. Troy peered through the periscope, only to see Henry collapsed on the ground, blood pouring from various places on his body where the skin had been burnt away to reveal the tissues underneath.
    Troy quickly averted his eyes and went to try and console his daughter. By this time, she had stopped struggling and was bawling her eyes out in her mother’s arms. No words of comfort could

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