Krewe Daddy
attention to him. He directed the next series in a soft voice.
    "Move back, Drew. Rest your arm over the horse's neck. Get close so its mane touches you."
    Drew moved into position and tried a few different poses.
    A breeze came up.
    "Zoom in, Kevin, this is giving me goose bumps."
    "Beautiful. Perfect." Kevin looked at Sapphire. "Give the man his clothes and some hot coffee."
    Sapphire handed him a pair of jeans and a thick, lined jacket.
    While he changed, Kevin walked up and held the back of the camera toward him.
    "Take a look at this."
    Drew looked at the image. The wind had lifted enough of the horse's mane to drift in front of Drew's chest. The gooseflesh he'd talked about showed up perfectly against his lightly oiled skin. Dressed in black chaps and a g-string, this photo was sure to arouse every cowboy-loving man and woman.
    "Not bad, but I just have one thing to say."
    Kevin looked at him. "What's that?"
    "I'm not sharing royalties with the horse. He has bad breath and shits like a goose."
    Kevin chuckled. "I'll have my people talk to his agent."
    Drew accepted a mug of steaming coffee. "Thanks, Sapphire."
    "Honey, you looked so hot, I almost took off my jacket."
    Drew arched an eyebrow. "Why didn't you?"
    Sapphire shrugged. "Who will manage the wardrobe and all you naughty boys if I catch my death?"
    He slurped the coffee. "Jesus H. Christ, you could have told me it was scalding hot. Fuck!"

    Kevin didn't look pleased.
    Sapphire's chin quivered, his eyes filled with tears.
    Disgusted, Drew pitched the coffee onto the ground. "Am I done for a while?"
    Kevin nodded. "I'll need you back before lunch."
    Drew spoke to the ranch hand holding a saddled horse. "I'm going to borrow him for a couple hours."
    "Are you an experienced rider?"
    "I am." Drew put his foot in the stirrup. The leather creaked under his weight as he climbed on.
    Teak called out to him. "Don't do anything you'll regret."
    He swung his leg over the saddle and settled himself in. "Which way to the river?"
    The cowboy pointed. "Due west about a mile. The cattle have carved a pretty good trail. You shouldn't miss it."
    Drew nodded and put on the black, Serratelli cowboy hat Sapphire had given him for the session. "I'll be back." While clicking his tongue, Drew snapped the reins.
    "Let's go."
    It had been years since Drew rode a horse. The animal's strength beneath him gave Drew a sense of power. Tempted as he was to let the horse have its head, he couldn't take a chance on reinjuring himself. He'd be going home in two days.
    He slowed the horse to a trot. Home . For the first time, he didn't want to go back to New Orleans. He loved his work and friends. His life was great. But going back meant living up to the promise he'd made. I have to find Luis.
    The rutted trail was easy enough to spot and follow to the river. If he had any doubts, the distant sound of mooing cattle carried on the breeze assured Drew he was heading in the right direction.
    As he rode, he thought about what he wanted from Luis. What would he say when they were alone and he had the chance?
    I'm sorry things got fucked up. It's done and dusted. Have a good life without me.

    We could have fixed this if you'd come after me. I wasn't in love with Teak. I was in love with you. It's too late to go back. Adiós, for good this time.
    While the horse plodded along, Drew frowned. Neither of those scenarios seemed to encompass his thoughts. He tried again.
    We could have fixed this if I hadn't run away like an angry kid. I couldn't cope with all the men coming on to you, asking you out whenever we were in the clubs. I hated the way it made me feel—so fucking jealous, I couldn't think straight. I acted out to hurt you. And you didn't try hard enough to make me believe I was wrong. Where do we go from here?
    At the riverbank, Drew tied the horse's reins to a sapling. He sat on the ground and listened to the azure water laugh at him on its way to god knew where. A stand of tamaracks nestled among

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