Amish House of Secrets

Free Amish House of Secrets by Samantha Price

Book: Amish House of Secrets by Samantha Price Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Price
hands. Harold looked up at the ladies when they walked in the room. “Dorothy’s agreed to marry me.”
    “Oh, that’s delightful news,” Emma said as she placed the plate on the coffee table.
    “We’re going to live in my new home at the village. There’s room for two,” Dorothy said.
    “Lovely,” Elsa-May said.
    “We’re so happy for you.” Emma was going to ask if she was going to see her son while she was here, but she did not know if Dorothy had mentioned her son to Harold yet.
    “You ladies have been so good to both of us. I don’t know how we can ever repay you for your kindness, but we will find a way, won’t we, Harold?”
    “Most definitely. We’ll find a way,” Harold said.
    Emma shook her head. “We’re happy that you two have found each other again. That’s all we need.”
    “We should leave you two alone to catch up,” Elsa-May said.
    “Shall I call for you this afternoon, Dorothy? Around five?” Emma asked.
    “No, dear. I’ll get a taxi to your house. You can’t be running around after me; you’ve done enough.”
    The widows said goodbye to Dorothy and Harold and they all left the house at the same time.

Chapter 9.
    Offer the sacrifices of righteousness,
    and put your trust in the Lord.
    Psalm 4:5
    Later that day, Emma met Silvie at the bakery/café where she worked. Silvie had just finished her shift and was able to sit and talk.
    “You should have seen them, Silvie. It was as though they’d never been apart. They just took right back up where they’d left off, and now they’re going to get married.”
    “It’s so nice to be in love. It’s funny how you can be instantly drawn to another person.”
    “Did you feel an instant attraction to Bailey?”
    Silvie nodded. “I did.”
    “Harold is going back to live in her retirement home with her,” Emma said.
    “That was so horrible what her friend did to her. Elsa-May told me what happened.” Silvie wrapped her hands around her kaffe mug.
    Emma nodded and took a sip of her hot drink. “It was awful alright.”
    “I wonder how things would’ve turned out if her friend had still been alive when she found Harold, I mean, still married to Harold.”
    “That’s a point. That would’ve been awkward for everyone involved with the lies that Josephine had told.”
    “It’s odd how those letters sent you on a big adventure. Especially since the purchase of your haus didn’t go ahead in the end. It was as if Gott arranged for you to see the letters and get the two of them back together.”
    “I didn’t think of it like that. I wonder.” Emma wondered if more than that Gott was teaching her about love. There was Maureen’s ex-fiancé as well, which caused Emma to look at her relationship with Wil in a new light. There were also Dorothy’s warnings not to rush into marriage with another man when you’re in love with another, as Dorothy herself, had done.
    “What are you thinking about, Emma?”
    “ Ach, sorry. Just thinking on the journey and how life takes different and unexpected turns.” Emma ripped open a sachet of sugar and poured it into her kaffe. As she stirred her hot drink, she looked around the café. “Must be nice to get out and meet people like you do.”
    “You mean when I’m working here?” Silvie asked.
    “ Jah . I’ve been thinking I should get a part-time job, or do something.” Emma had thought of opening a small business, but that was before she gave her nest egg to Wil for the house renovations.
    “It is gut to get out and meet people. I’ve made a lot of friends from working here. Did you know many of the people come in every day?”
    Emma nodded. “I’m going to think about a job. I’ve plenty of time on my hands. I could sew quilts like some of the ladies do, but I prefer to do something where I’m amongst people.”
    Silvie spread butter onto her hot banana bread. “You know that Sabrina’s got a job now, don’t you?”
    “I believe you mentioned it; where’s she working

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