Love's Slow Burn [Southern Heat 2]

Free Love's Slow Burn [Southern Heat 2] by Alexa Aaby

Book: Love's Slow Burn [Southern Heat 2] by Alexa Aaby Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexa Aaby
Tags: Romance
    “You’re little Casey? You know, I can see the resemblance. Jenna talks about you all the time. Pleased to meet you,” Shelley greeted with a hug.
    “Oh, I’m pleased to meet you, too,” Casey said, surprised by Shelley’s strong embrace, but touched by her warm display of down home hospitality. “How do you know Aunt Jenna?”
    “She and her ladies’ group, The Dalton Dolls, meet here once a month starting every August to get ready for the annual county fall and winter festivals. I tell you, those ladies are the best. They’re something else.”
    “Tell me about it. They’re off spending the weekend in Vegas,” Casey said.
    “I can believe it. Grass doesn’t have a chance to grow under their feet. They aren’t getting older, just better,” Shelley added. “What can I get for y’all?”
    “How about two schooners of beer and a bottle of white wine,” Jake requested.
    “You got it,” Shelley replied.
    “This is a cool place. Shelley seems nice,” Casey said.
    Dean smiled at her. “She’s a real sweetheart. She hosts all the firehouse socials here. She also runs a catering business. You can’t beat her hot wings.”
    “Why don’t we eat here?” Casey asked.
    “Great idea,” Jake said.
    After chowing down on some of the best food in town, the threesome said good-bye to Shelley and her staff. They arrived back to the house around midnight as a soothing breeze cooled the warm spring night.
    “Did you enjoy yourself?” Jake asked, pouring three glasses of chilled sparkling water.
    “Thoroughly…It was great. You guys really know how to show a girl a good time,” Casey said with a bright smile.
    “You’ve been grinning all night,” Dean told her. “Are you a little tipsy, Casey?”
    “Maybe,” she answered, laughing again, plopping down at the kitchen counter.
    “Are you sure you’re all right?” Jake asked.
    “Why are you guys grilling me? I’m fine. I just had a great night out, and the dinner was so satisfying.”
    Jake stared into her eyes intensely. “What about a little dessert?”
    “What have you got? I love ice cream and pie,” Casey said.
    “I love ice cream, too, but I can never get enough pie…your cherry pie,” Dean told her, scooping her up into his arms, carrying her upstairs with Jake in tow.
    After Dean tossed Casey atop his king-sized platform bed, he and Jake proceeded to strip her out of her dress. Lying back on the bed in her white-laced lingerie, Casey prepared herself for what was about to happen. The room was quiet and dimly lit as the two men started to strip down to their boxer briefs.
    “Jake, what are you and Dean doing?” Casey questioned.
    “Don’t you know? It’s time for dessert,” Jake replied.
    Casey looked perplexed and a little wasted. “What kind?”
    “The kind that makes us fall asleep on a full stomach, feeling oh-so satisfied,” Dean said.
    “The kind that makes us dream of more,” Jake added.
    “You’re not fooling me one bit. I’m buzzed, not drunk. I know what you’re getting at,” Casey said. “I’m the dessert, so why don’t you two get to eating.”
    Both men got into bed. Jake reached underneath Casey, unsnapped her bra, and removed it. Her bountiful breasts were soft to their touch. With Jake to the left of her and Dean to the right of her, Casey lay still while the two men began licking and sucking on her nipples.
    “Mmm, your tongues are amazing. My nipples are getting really hard. Your tongues get me so hot,” Casey moaned.
    “It’s what we do, baby. It’s our job to keep you satisfied,” Dean told her.
    Jake kissed her lovingly. “We have to keep you happy, angel. You’re so sexy, we have to fuck you every chance we get.”
    Slowly making his way to her panties, Dean slipped his hand inside of them and started massaging her bare vulva. Her outer lips were soft and smooth. Just touching her made his dick hard.
    Casey became playful and began to wiggle about.
    “Be still, Casey. We’ve got

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