
Free AllTangledUp by Crystal Jordan

Book: AllTangledUp by Crystal Jordan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Crystal Jordan
pure possession. He knew it, and so
did she. That she didn’t even protest told him a lot, probably more than she
would have liked. She gripped the edges of the sink and leaned forward, a
quiver running through her.
    Ripping open his fly, he shoved his jeans down and kicked
them out of the way. He slapped her ass, and she gasped but didn’t move. Nice.
He dropped to his knees behind her, taking in the view of her pussy, so slick
with juices for him she was dripping.
    A breath shuddered out of her. “I…I…”
    Lola, speechless. There was a first. He snorted and nipped
at the lower curve of her buttock, making her jolt.
    Bracketing her hips, he held her in place while his flicked
his tongue over her clit. The muscles in her thighs jumped, and she squirmed a
little, so he tightened his grip. He closed his mouth around her hardened nub
and suckled hard. Lola’s cry echoed in the room, moisture gushing from her
cunt, and he smiled against her flesh. He ran his tongue up and down her slit,
lapping up her cream.
    The taste of her was feminine and musky, coating his lips.
And he’d never have a moment like this again. Pain speared through him, but he
shoved it away. Time enough for that later. He moved his fingers inward and
teased the tiny rosette of her anus. She shuddered and moaned, and he drove his
tongue into her pussy, fucking her with his mouth. He sank one digit into her
ass, thrusting slowly. Then he added another. Her inner muscles contracted
against his lips, her moans growing louder and more desperate.
    Slipping upward, he replaced his hand with his mouth,
pressing his tongue into the pucker of her anus.
    “Oh my God!” She screamed then, and he felt orgasm thrumming
through her body.
    Now. He had to take her now. Had to leave an indelible mark
on her that she’d never forget.
    He reached for his discarded jeans, fumbling for his wallet
and the condom inside. His hands were actually shaking when he slid the rubber
on. He jerked to his feet, more than ready.
    “ Please , Jesse.” Lola’s hips rocked backward, her
body bent in total submission. “Please, please, please.”
    He liked hearing her beg, far too much. He slipped his
fingers between her thighs, gathering the hot cream there and trailing it up to
lubricate her ass. He used one palm to swat the fleshy part of her upper thigh,
making her squeal. With the other hand, he began to work his fingers into her
anus, widening her passage for him. She froze, then slid her legs further apart
for him.
    “Jesse,” she breathed.
    The soft pleading in her voice was a heady aphrodisiac for
him. He loved this. Every second of it. Grasping his cock, he rubbed the head
between the cheeks of her ass, easing the first inch into her rear channel. She
quivered, arching her back to give him as much access as he could want. He pressed
forward and retreated, sliding deeper into her with each thrust. It took
everything he had to keep from pounding into her hard and fast the way his body
urged him to, but he wanted to hold on to these last precious minutes, wanted
to hear her scream his name before he was done with her.
    He hilted his cock in her ass and paused to let her adjust
to the invasion.
    “Don’t stop,” she gasped. “Make me come.”
    Holding on to his control with a death grip, he slowly
withdrew and sank back inside her. It was a tight fit, and that all by itself
was a turn-on. Molten lava flowed through his veins, and each time he entered
her, he burned hotter. He picked up speed and force, the slap of his stomach
meeting her backside echoing loudly in the kitchen. Their heavy breathing and
low groans added to the carnal symphony. The way she arched and writhed each
time he penetrated her anus told him exactly how close she was to climax. He
fucked her ass harder, wanting to push them both over that edge. Reaching
beneath her, he flicked his fingers over the hard little nub of her clitoris.
    “Jesse!” She cried out, and the walls of her ass closed

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