Aris Reigns

Free Aris Reigns by Devin Morgan

Book: Aris Reigns by Devin Morgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Devin Morgan
rejoin him in order to complete our task? To win this war?”
    The sound of her hand slapping his face echoed throughout the cave. “How dare you. Now get back to work. Do your job or you will be the one who is made extinct.” She spun on her heel and walked away.

    S arah and Jane sat before the dancing fire as she waited for Aris to call for her. He was taking her on her first excursion into the center of the Immortal’s underground city. Hawke lay sleeping, curled on a Persian rug close to the warmth of the blaze. At intervals he would raise his head as if he were checking on Jane to make sure she was safe with the human woman.
    â€œYou must have so many questions about our society.” Jane smiled sweetly as she spoke. “Please ask anything. I will do my best to help you understand our way of life.”
    â€œReally, I’m so overwhelmed right now I don’t even know what I don’t know. I’m not sure where to begin.” Sarah laughed at her own confused answer. “Why don’t you tell me more about you? I am fascinated by your human life in the court of Elizabeth I.”
    The Immortal vampire sat silently gazing into her distant past.
    After a moment, Sarah spoke again. “Does it pain you to speak of it?”
    Brought back into the present, Jane answered. “No. My life at the royal court brought me a great deal of joy as well as a garden of sorrow. I am just not sure where to begin.”
    â€œWere you born into court life?”
    â€œMost of my family held positions at the royal court throughoutthe reign of all the Tudor kings and queens. I was born in the year 1571 twelve years after Elizabeth came to the throne.”
    â€œWill you tell me about your life in the palace?”
    â€œAs a child, I was raised as all females were. I was schooled in language, music, embroidery and dance, destined to be a perfect courtier.” She was silent for a moment, pensive, thinking of what might have been. Sarah waited without question.
    â€œI was twelve years of age before I was ever brought before the Queen. I remember the awe I felt at seeing her glorious jeweled golden gown. Bright copper curls were piled high on her head and her fingers were heavy with precious stones. She absolutely glowed in the light of the candles.
    â€œWhen it was time for me to be presented, I could hardly breathe. I made my very best curtsy and she laughed as she took my hand to raise me. When I lifted my gaze to hers, her eyes were such a dark brown they appeared black and they danced with delight. I remember distinctly, she said I was a lovely child. She promised when I was of a more suitable age, she would call me to be one of her maids-in-waiting.
    â€œI could barely contain myself. It was the sole desire of every maiden in the royal house to wait on the Queen. And I had been chosen. I have no memory of the rest of that evening, my mind so lost in the great opportunity that was laid before me. My family was infinitely proud of my achievement. I was granted a new wardrobe and the very first horse I was to ever own. He was snow white with a mane thicker and a tail longer than any stallion I had ever seen. He became my constant companion when I was able to escape my lessons.” Jane laughed as she remembered her human life.
    A quiet rap on the door interrupted the two women.
    â€œCome in.” Sarah rose as Aris stepped into the room. Without thinking, she moved into his open arms, his soft lips covering hers, her body pressing hungrily into his. Jane rose, motioning Hawkefrom his sleeping place. She moved as silently as she could, but they still heard her. Sarah turned toward her smiling shyly.
    â€œI’m sorry Jane. It seems an eternity since Aris and I have seen each other.”
    â€œPlease, no apologies. I will show myself out. We will speak again soon.” She cast her eyes toward the carpet as she and the white wolf passed through the door leaving the

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