Seven Days: A young black woman makes a deal with a mob boss.

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Book: Seven Days: A young black woman makes a deal with a mob boss. by Diana Hoffman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Diana Hoffman
before it fell.

"You look beautiful, Victoria," Jimmy said to her. Then he looked at Nic. "Okay if I take her for a twirl before my wife shows up?" Nic nodded and grabbed another drink from a tray passing by.

Victoria was thankful for the distraction. She followed as Jimmy led her to the floor. He gently grabbed her around her waist. "Hey kiddo, don't worry. That Amber has claws, and she enjoys shredding anything in her path. You held up pretty good." 

"Has he ever done this before, Jimmy?" Victoria whispered to him, trying to figure out what the hell was going on. Was this some sick, twisted power trip?

"No, never. I mean, he's never had to. You should see the girls pulling each other's hair out to get into his clubs, his house...his bed. Let's just say there is a lot. So, this was all a shock to me. I didn't expect him to be really serious about it. You know, adding days and stuff," Jimmy answered, and then he brought her close to his body. "Shit, I'm drunk. I've said way too much. Please don't tell him."

Victoria laughed and then sighed. She wasn't sure what to make of that. After a few minutes, Raymond surprised her by cutting in to have a dance. He was so tall and awkward that they both tripped over each other the whole time. Victoria glanced over at Nic. He was staring at her. She quickly looked away. After a few more dances with some strangers, she walked back over to Antonio. 

"You're a big hit tonight. I see all the girls are hitting' on you," Antonio joked, as he served another guest.

"Please...these women have everything. I'm...well, let's just say they shouldn't envy me in the least."

"I still can't figure out why you are here," Antonio said, staring at her.

"Long story," Victoria said, while popping another appetizer in her mouth.

Antonio stared down at his watch. "Hey Danny," he yelled over at another waiter. "Can you finish this up for me. I got to take off. Going to be late." Danny nodded and Antonio looked at Victoria.

"You want to go to a real party?" Antonio asked, with a devilish smile.

At that moment, Victoria didn't really care where she went. She just wanted to get away from this hell hole. "Absolutely."

In Antonio's beat up Ford Mustang, she felt at ease. She had only just met this guy, and already she was driving off with him. Her normal self...the Victoria from several days ago, would have said no. But she felt like being a little dangerous. Being around dangerous men had its effects.

"Mind if I smoke?" Antonio asked. Victoria shook her head. He lit a cigarette and placed it between his lips and looked over at her. "You really do look beautiful in that dress. I mean, I don't know what you normally look like, but you are fucking hot."

Victoria choked out a laugh. "Um, I think that's a compliment...if you're not disappointed with my 'normal' look."

"So, you going to tell me what you were doing there?"

"You first. Is this what you want to do, catering and stuff like that?" Victoria asked. She had wanted to open up a catering business...but her father shot that idea all to hell, while he made her work endless hours in a dying restaurant.

Antonio blew the smoke out of the cracked window. "Nah. I was just doing this as a part of my job. I work for Mr. Andretti. The way he runs his, um...well, his company is that you start from the bottom...kind of like a mailroom. I do odd jobs for him now and then, and judging on how well I do them, I get promoted. The waiter thing was just something I was asked to do if I wanted to make a little extra. I said, what the hell...I have bills. Might as well, right? Plus, I was hoping to be introduced to him tonight. I mean, I've met him once before only briefly. Man, that dude is intense. I would never want to cross him."

Victoria listened to Antonio talk about Nic like he was a God. So it wasn't just her that he had this effect on. It was everyone. "So, you want to be a criminal too?" she spat out, while staring out of her window.

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