Fire Pearl (Beyond Ontariese 5)
attention to your body.
Trust your instincts.”
    He’d effortlessly read her thoughts. She
swallowed hard and pressed her lips together, unsettled by her
vulnerability. Would she always be so transparent?
    One of his hands cupped her breast as his
lips closed around the other, drawing firmly on the sensitive
crest. Relax. She was supposed to look at the sky. Vast, endlessly
black. Her anxious breathing rubbed her breast against his hand.
His fingers rolled her nipple, sending darts of sensation into her
abdomen. The night wind was cool, so why did she feel so hot?
    Bending her knee, he positioned her foot
against the fur and caressed his way back up her inner thigh. He
cupped her mound for a moment then draped her other leg over the
bend of his knees. Her thighs parted, her back arched, and all she
could see was stars. Her belly quivered as his fingers began their
sensual dance. He stroked her skin, exploring her body with careful
touches and soothing caresses. Faujer would never forgo his
pleasure long enough to concentrate on hers. Drakkin wasn’t Faujer.
Drakkin… His fingers parted her feminine folds, pausing as the
night wind accented her heat. The firm suction of his mouth matched
the persistent throbbing between her thighs. She needed more than
these teasing touches. She needed…
    Feel the slide of my fingers. You’re so
soft, so wonderfully hot. Accept my presence in your mind and let
the pleasure build.
    She felt the gentle movement of his fingers,
up and down, around and around. He pushed into her mind and her
core throbbed rebelliously. She wanted him there, inside her.
    I am inside you. Share yourself with me.
    Her fingers tangled in the fur as he focused
on her clit. The firm, circular motion made her body shake. She bit
her bottom lip to keep from screaming down the stars. He moved
through her mind, scanning, stimulating. She opened for him,
surrendered to him, body and mind. Tighter and tighter the pleasure
wound, building beneath his fingertips. She tossed her head and he
nipped her breast, holding her in place.
    Energy sizzled along her nerve endings. Her
nipples tingled, her core clenched. Her being melded with Drakkin,
sinking into him and saturating him. She arched her back,
increasing the pressure of his fingers. Colors danced before her
eyes, flashes of light and muddled images.
    Pleasure burst and the image focused, forcing
the breath from her lungs. Reality paused as the vision took over.
A dark-haired woman perched on the edge of the vanity in Aria’s
dressing room. Her back pressed against the mirror as she held her
knees, brazenly offering herself to her lover. “Now,” she panted.
“Fill me now.”
    The man laughed and Aria stiffened. “It will
seldom be as easy as it was in the corridor.” She knew that voice!
How could Faujer be in her dressing room on Earth? He rubbed
against the woman, teasing her without pushing inside.
    The vision released and sensations swept over
Aria. She absorbed each scalding wave with a hoarse little cry.
Drakkin’s touch gentled. His lips moved against her damp skin, part
soothing whisper, part tender kiss.
    “Did you see them?” she panted, her body
humming with newfound energy.
    “Yes, but the vision was yours. You are
undoubtedly a jumanna .” She rolled to her side and he
wrapped her in his arms.
    “They were in my dressing room. How did he
find it so quickly? For that matter, how did he get to Earth?”
    “You recognized the man?”
    “That was Faujer,” she said with a
    “The woman is a Mystic. Her name is Noll dar
    “As in the mortal enemies of the House of
Aune?” Import slammed into her, driving back the lingering tingles
of her release. It was real. It had to be real. How else could she
explain what she’d just seen and how she’d seen it? Her
ex-captor was on Earth searching for her with the help of an
Ontarian Mystic. There was simply no way all that could be
    He brushed her damp hair back from her

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