Beyond the Cliffs of Kerry

Free Beyond the Cliffs of Kerry by Amanda Hughes

Book: Beyond the Cliffs of Kerry by Amanda Hughes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Hughes
Father?" said Teila handing him a bowl of soup.
    "Indeed it was, Mrs. Mullin," he returned flatly.
    Darcy saw tears began to roll down his face. Startled, she told Teila that they were going out to enjoy the summer evening, and Darcy directed him behind the cottage where she pulled him down on a stone bench.
    The evening was fair, and the setting sun cast a golden hue on them. Darcy touched Father Etienne's arm. He closed his eyes took a deep breath and said, "The ship brought a letter last night. My mother was massacred in an Abenaki raid."
    Darcy gasped and clutched her bodice.
    "My brother would give no details, but every time I try to sleep, Darcy, I see her running. She's terrified, and at last they catch her, and I see her struggling." He looked at Darcy. "Did they take her long, beautiful hair? Did they rip it savagely from her head while she still lived?"
    "Oh, you can't, Etienne!" gasped Darcy, unaware that she had dropped his title. "Don't do this! You can't know what happened. It is between God and your mother."
    He sat with his head in his hands for along time. At last, he rubbed his brow and said, "If only I could get some sleep, I think I could open myself to the comfort of the Holy Spirit, but it seems now when I need it the most, I cannot feel the light."
    "Come," said Darcy. "We shall walk the cliffs tonight, and I promise you will sleep,"
    "No, I cannot, Darcy," he said, shaking his head. "I must make my rounds."
    "Do you have anyone in particular expecting you?"
    "No, but--"
    "Then no one will miss you," said Darcy taking charge. She disappeared into the house giving a hasty explanation to Teila who handed Darcy a basket of buns, saying tenderly, "Give this to the poor darlin'."
    The full moon flooded the coastline with a pale light which guided their footsteps along the steep bluffs. They walked in silence for an hour, and at last Darcy said breathlessly, "Please, I must rest for a short while."
    Father Etienne said with a start, "Oh, Darcy, you are still recovering. I have been so self-absorbed that I didn't think of your fatigue."
    Darcy shook her head. "Being up here is the best medicine in the world for me. You, of all people, should know that. The air is so much sweeter here, and it makes me strong."  
    They sat on the rocks, watching the moonbeams glisten on the breaking water. Father Etienne looked out to sea and said, "This reminds me of my mother's favorite poem."
    "What is it?" asked Darcy, as she hugged her knees.
    He paused a moment, sorting through the words and said, "There, now I have it." He closed his eyes and began,
      'To see a World in a Grain of Sand
      And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
      Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
      And Eternity in an hour.’, “
    He smiled wistfully. "How she loved that little piece. I don't know how I ever remembered it. It was like she was here whispering it in my ear."
    After a while he said, "I never realized it until now, but I didn't lose my mother three months ago to a raiding party. I lost my mother the day I left for Europe . I knew in my heart I would never see her again, and now with no ocean to part us, she is closer to me than ever."
    Father Etienne rose to his feet, and pulled Darcy up. "Let's go home,” he said. “I know that I can sleep now."
    “I am glad,” she replied.
    At the descent to the cave, he took Darcy's hand and said, "One day I will leave Kilkerry and have to find my way alone. As much as that saddens me, I know that I will carry you in my heart for all eternity."
    *      *       *
    It was Michael O’Hearn’s wedding day. Darcy rose before the sun, crawling out of the loft where she slept with the children and walked up to Glinnish Stream. Father Etienne had at last convinced her to bathe regularly. After scrubbing her body and scalp until it tingled, she stepped lightly out of the

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